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Chapter 4 I Miss Claudia

  • The whole house was heavily guarded and secured.
  • Lorenzo and Bianca are staying with us till Claudia gets back, they are the only people Claudia trusts and they have been there for us ever since we were little.
  • I see how Claudia sticks with them and care for them although she doesn't show it I know she loves them.
  • For the first time in months Aurora and I felt like a free bird, we were able to talk without being scared, Aurora was able to sleep with her teddy bears again and sing without being scared of the consequences while I started taking my dance lessons again.
  • I set up a date with Alec so I could tell him who we are and what we do, he was shocked at first but he came to accept it.
  • I told him about Claudia and he promised to be in her good books and earn her trust too. Bianca and I are waiting for Claudia to get back so I can tell her.
  • " Paloma" Bianca called me.
  • " Yes" I answered and left my room to meet her.
  • "You still aren't ready for the dance, your instructor will be here soon" I face palmed myself at how forgetful I was.
  • "I'm sorry I forget"
  • "Well go and get ready quickly she'll be here any moment from now, I'm taking Aurora is out for her friend's birthday party, Lorenzo will be here if you need anything" I smiled and nodded.
  • "Thanks, Bianca" I hugged her, and she left, I wonder how Aurora and I would have survived.
  • How are will going to survive, if they aren't here?
  • Although they try to make us happy it still doesn't fill the voids in our hearts, I know Claudia loves us and cares for us, yet I can't help but desperately want her to clearly express her thoughts that made me emotional and tears rolled down my eyes.
  • On my way out, I bumped into Lorenzo.
  • " Paloma" he called and I quickly wiped my tears and looked up at him.
  • I faked a smile at him and shook my head. "I'm fine Lorenzo"
  • "Who are you trying to convince Paloma?" He corked a brow at me.
  • "I know you aren't fine, now tell me Is this about Alec?" noticed how his brows knitted in anger already.
  • "No I'm fine" I mumbled out.
  • "You know I'm not letting this go till you speak"
  • I sighed knowing he wouldn't let it go, that's just how they are; stubborn and demanding.
  • "I just thought of how much I actually want a normal relationship with my sister that's all.
  • He held my arms and made me look into his chocolate-brown eyes.
  • "You know she loves you both right?"
  • "Yes but still we want her to express it is that too much to ask for?"
  • "You need to understand something little girl, Claudia has gone through a lot in the past and you both are the last family dear to her heart and the last thing she'll do is risk your lives if it means depriving you both of things you desire just to keep you safe, she'll do it but have it at the back of your mind that your sister loves you both so much"
  • Tears rolled down freely and he wiped it with his thumb and kissed my forehead before hugging me.
  • The rest of the day went by with me having my dance classes, evening came and I tiredly went to my room to freshen up.
  • Bianca was back already with Aurora, she prepared dinner for us and we ate having little talks about our day.
  • If Claudia had been here this wouldn't have happened this place would be more silent than a graveyard, with Claudia everything's formal and serious.
  • After dinner I went to my room, I took my phone and noticed I had a lot of text messages from Alec.
  • I read all of them with a smile on my face, I noticed there was a missed call from Claudia which shocked me.
  • "Why did she call?" asked myself because she never calls me, whatever it is I have to call her, who knows she might get angry at me for not returning her call.
  • I dialed her number, my heart beating each second the line rings.
  • I have never had to call Claudia it's always through text messages, she too she never calls no matter how long her trip out of home was.
  • "Hello?" Her authoritative voice rang loudly in my ears.
  • "S.. sister" I whispered scared of her lashing out for not taking her call earlier.
  • "A..A..Are you busy I can call back later" I was more than ready to hang up.
  • "No it's fine, What's wrong, why did you call? She asked I could hear the concern but as usual, she hid it behind her powerful and overprotective tone.
  • "Everything's fine sis, I saw your missed call so I...
  • "It was a mistake"
  • I sighed silently in disappointment and shut my eyes letting the tears roll down, I wish she called to find out how we were doing but it had to be a mistake.
  • "O...okay" I whispered.
  • "Is that all?" She snapped impatiently.
  • "Y...yes"
  • "Alright bye" she hang up and my heart fell.
  • Instead of sulking the whole night I decided to call Alec and I was on a video call with him for a long until I felt sleepy.
  • ******************************************
  • I can't say life hasn't been good since Claudia left but I still missed her intimidating presence at the same time nevertheless, I was happy because she wasn't around because we were free.
  • Today Bianca and Lorenzo decided to take us on a trip, I tried convincing them not to because if Claudia finds out we'll all be dead but they didn't listen, they told me not to worry about her.
  • Alec left for Peru to visit his cousin but promised to be back before my birthday next week.
  • I dressed in a pair of dark jeans and a pink turtle neck crop top and matched it with a pair of black branded sneakers, I styled my hair in French braids and left my room.
  • Everyone was waiting for me already.
  • "We are ready?" Lorenzo asked and we all chorused positively before leaving for the airport.