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Chapter 7 Rejection

  • The walls seemed to close in on her. The air became suffocating, making it difficult for her to draw a breath amidst the torrent of tears flowing down her cheeks.
  • Much-needed oxygen was stuck in her throat, unable to make its way down to her lungs. She clawed at her neck, gasping in pain from the strenuous effort.
  • Her shoulders began to shake forcefully as memories slammed into her. Memories that she had fought so hard to push into a locked folder of her mind.
  • "Manara! Take Cinnia inside, now!" She remembered her dad yelling.
  • Her father had turned into his spotted brown wolf before her very eyes for the first time since she was born and attacked the snarling wolves advancing on him.
  • Amongst the wolves was one man, his face twisted in a sick grin. Peeking from the window after her mother ran out to help her dad, she saw him for a split second before he transformed into a hulking coal-black wolf and shattered her father's ribs.
  • That split second was enough for her to capture his face in her brain forever.
  • Denzel didn't have the pale, almost ghost-like skin of his father. If he had, she would have never let herself fall into his arms like that. She would have known.
  • Finally, she was able to take in a breath and with it, a doleful wail erupted from her throat.
  • Her long nails dug into the soft flesh of her palms hard enough to make them bleed but she didn't feel the pain.
  • All she knew was grief. She fell to the tiled floor, clutching her bracelet tightly as sobs wracked through her body.
  • Faintly, she heard the sound of a door opening and closing, and in a moment, firm arms wrapped around her waist, holding her close.
  • She knew it was him. Despite the sorrow, rage, hate, and need for revenge that coursed through her veins, she clutched Denzel's sleeve tightly, crying into his forearm to stifle the sound.
  • Denzel said nothing. Instead, his fingers combed through her hair in soothing movements.
  • Gradually, her cries lessened and the jerky motions of her shoulders came to a halt.
  • She could perceive his scent- the same as it was when they met. The night they had made their child. That night, it was inebriating and permeated through her senses, filling her with a need that only he could satiate.
  • This early evening though, her senses were blind to it. The intense yearning she was sure she would feel had the situation been different, was absent.
  • Her head whipped up in a flash. Pushing him away, she stood swiftly and rounded on him.
  • "Princess, what—"
  • She held up a hand, cutting him off. She couldn’t bear to hear him call her princess. Her eyes moved up to meet his and instantly, she regretted it.
  • She had once been enthralled by his pale green eyes, however, at that moment, she could only see his father's similar but piercing ones and lips stretched into a demented grin.
  • "He's your father? H-him?" Her voice broke.
  • "Princess, talk to me. Is—" Denzel tried reaching for her but she backed up further. Fisting his fingers, he let his outstretched hand fall back to his side.
  • "Answer the question, Denzel." Cinnia’s voice was cold and unyielding. There was no trace of her usual wittiness or playfulness.
  • "He is." Her iciness stopped him from saying more, rather, he decided to listen.
  • Cinnia let out a scoff that soon bubbled into a snigger.
  • "Ah... How life works," She said, shaking her head ruefully.
  • Denzel was aware that he should be listening as he had originally decided but his curiosity overcame him. "What are you talking about? It's blatantly obvious that something is wrong so tell me. You're my mate, Princess and you're carrying my child. I am yours and you are mine. Let me in. I will pull down the mountains to fix whatever bothers you."
  • A wry smile formed on her full lips. "You would kill for me, wouldn't you?"
  • A corner of Denzel's lips rose. "Do you have any doubt? Of course, I would."
  • "Your father's presence bothered me. How do you intend to fix that, Denzel?" She inclined her head to the side and folded her arms beneath her chest, waiting for his answer.
  • "What? You've never met him. How could he be—"
  • "I don't think you know your father as well as you might believe, my dear mate."
  • Denzel blew out an exasperated breath. "Princess, stop beating about the bush and speak clearly." He fought to control his tone, not wanting to shout at her.
  • "He is responsible for the death of my parents, Nathan and Manara Ramilek."
  • Confusion gave way to shock and then to disbelief as Cinnia stared Denzel down.
  • "You must be mistaken. My father has many flaws but he has never killed anyone. That's the major difference between us," Denzel tried to explain but Cinnia wasn't having it.
  • "He hasn't killed anyone that you know of."
  • Pinching the bridge of his nose, Denzel took in a calming breath. "Look, let's go upstairs and we can talk about this more."
  • His hand closed around Cinnia’s wrist, however, she wrenched it out of his grip.
  • "I'm not going anywhere with you. I am telling you that your dick of a father murdered my parents in my presence and your response is to take me upstairs to talk more?" Her voice turned up a notch.
  • Searching his eyes, she realized that he must think she had gone crazy.
  • "You don't believe me," She stated.
  • "I want to believe you, princess but this is just—"
  • "He took them away from me! He snatched my life out from under me. I can clearly remember him sinking his claws into my father's heart, Denzel.
  • "Just before I ran away as my mom urged me to, I saw him chain her up like an animal before slitting her throat. I saw it all, Denzel." Her voice cracked once again and tears seeped out from her red and puffy eyes.
  • "I hate him, Denzel. He deserves to die for what he did."
  • "Princess, I'm so sorry. I wish I could take all your pain away but—"
  • "But nothing! The only way my pain can be taken away is when that evil man is lying beneath the dirt just like my parents are. I cannot stand that he is alive and breathing after everything he did! I will only be satisfied when I see him dead."
  • A wall had gone up between them, dividing them completely.
  • "Princess, I understand your grief and your rage but he's my father and also our leader. Killing him would be treasonous. At least, let me speak to him and find out more about this. Then, we can come to a suitable punishment once he's declared guilty."
  • Denzel wasn't used to begging but this time, for her, he was willing to make an exception.
  • "Please."
  • "Fuck you, Denzel," Cinnia spat. "Fuck your father, fuck your pack, fuck your laws, and fuck this stupid mate bond."
  • Her eyes burned with loathing. "He will pay for everything he did. That is my promise to you."
  • Stepping closer, she poked at his chest with her index finger. "I don't want to be your mate. I want nothing to do with you."
  • "You don't mean that, Princess," Denzel closed his fingers over her hand, his eyes pleading for her to let him handle things his way.
  • "I rej—" Cinnia sighed, unable to say the words her father had spoken about once when she was fifteen and had pestered him with many questions about his past.
  • Instead, she said, "I wish this could've been different. Truly. And for whatever it's worth, I'm sorry it has to end this way."
  • Horror flashed across Denzel's face. But a sliver of hope remained still. She hadn't severed the bond. She didn't reject him.
  • "Cinnia..."
  • For the second time, she left his life. This time, she carried the product of their passion away with her.
  • Once again, Denzel lost his mate but this time, the price he had to pay to get her back would be steeper than the last.
  • ...
  • Cinnia ran into Maverick in the foyer and he stopped short upon seeing her.
  • "I need a car. A fast one," She demanded without preamble.
  • Maverick looked ready to break her bones but his glare trailed from her face to rest on something or someone behind her.
  • His eyes softened and he let out a grunt of acceptance. "Fine."
  • He dug his hand into the pocket of his cargo trousers and produced the key to a Bugatti Veyron super sport.
  • "Don't kill yourself," He said simply and dropped the key into her open and waiting palm.
  • Without a word or a glance, though she knew that Denzel was right behind her and was the reason why Maverick had given her the key, she walked right out of the door.
  • As she stepped out into the cool evening breeze, she inhaled the crisp air around her. Deep down, she didn't want to leave. She never wanted to be the reason for the heartbroken expression on Denzel's face that she was sure he hadn't even realized.
  • She would have given everything for Jerome Montgomery to have been anyone other than his father, but life was particularly callous to her.
  • Her need for revenge exceeded the way she felt about him. She wanted to get to know him more but she couldn't see herself living happily with the son of her parent's killer.
  • She resisted the urge to turn back, rather, she pressed the button of the key in her hand, and a sleek, glossy black sports car, streaked down its side with blood-red paint that was parked off to the side of the building, blinked to life.
  • Seconds later, she had gotten into the car and after making sure her wallet was still safely tucked in the pocket between the folds of her dress, she revved the engine and sped off, leaving Denzel behind once more.
  • ...
  • The moon had risen fully from behind the clouds by the time she sped into the busy nightlife of Lunar Crest.
  • Cinnia wanted to put as much distance between her and the Nightfall territory so she could think properly and figure out her next move. She had arrived in Lunar crest for a reason. Though she hadn't expected it to turn out this way, she had to fulfill her mission.
  • As she slowed down to maneuver the traffic on the road, she spotted an odd-looking shop out of the corner of her eye.
  • A few curses and raised middle fingers later, she made a U-turn and pulled over.
  • Locking up the car and hoping that the crime rate was low, she pushed the glass doors of the shop which opened with a ding from the bell above.
  • She had been right. The shop did not belong to a human, judging from the haphazard display of herbs, suspicious liquids in equally suspicious-looking containers, various bones of animals she didn't even want to imagine, and silver ribbons hanging from the ceiling.
  • "Hello?" Cinnia called out.
  • Suddenly, a head popped out from behind the counter, causing Cinnia to jump in fright.
  • "Fucking hell!" She screamed.
  • "Sorry! Didn't mean to scare ya, dear," A short, dark woman seemingly in her mid-thirties came around the counter.
  • "I go by Rose. Who might ya be, my dear?" She asked with a kind smile.
  • "I'm... Manara," She replied after a second of hesitation.
  • "Welcome to my shop, Manara. What do ya need?" Rose asked cheerfully.
  • "You're a witch, aren't you?"
  • Rose's bright smile faded a bit. "I'm sure you're mistaken because of all this." She waved her hands about, gesturing to the items on display around the shop.
  • "This is just for you tourists. Lunar Crest has quite the reputation," She giggled.
  • "I'm not a tourist, so no need to lie. Anyway, I need something that can trigger a swift and painless abortion."
  • Rose's smile faded completely.
  • "Why would you want that, dear? A child is a gift and—"
  • "I specifically didn't go to a hospital or a pharmacy so I wouldn't have to listen to the bullshit, amongst other reasons. Give me what I want and spare me the lecture. I'll pay you whatever."
  • Rose's gaze wandered over Cinnia’s form for some seconds before she shrugged.
  • "As you wish, dear. It will only take five minutes to brew and you'll have to drink it between tonight and tomorrow night or else it would have no effect," She explained.
  • "Okay."
  • "Sit over there and wait. I won't be long," Rose chirped, pointing to a lumpy sofa before disappearing behind beaded curtains by the counter.
  • Gingerly, she sat on the edge of the sofa. Exactly five minutes later, Rose emerged and handed her a small, corked glass bottle.
  • "You remember my instructions, ei?" She asked.
  • "Yeah, I do," Cinnia answered. "How much?"
  • "No, no. I don't collect money for this sort of thing. Though I pray you don't have to take it, I hope you get whatever ya want out of life, dear."
  • "Thanks."
  • With a thankful smile, she left the shop. The distinctive sound of the bell was the only indication that she was ever there.
  • On getting into the car, she turned on the engine and waited, staring at the bottle filled with dark blue liquid that would remove the physical result of her connection with Denzel.
  • Taking a deep breath, she uncorked the bottle and brought it to her lips.