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The Hot Desires

The Hot Desires

Elena Rianna

Last update: 2022-11-14

Chapter 1

  • one night stand with the stranger
  • “ Huh ! Finally “ , Already clad up in a laced short black dress with a slit up showing my right thigh , l heaved a sigh before l strutted out of the car then made my way to the cream painted apartment . Already knowing the owner of it , l didn’t bother knocking on the door , l just pressed in the code and entered inside the house . With a plan in my head , after entering inside , l walked a bit slowly and carefully . However before I could walk any more further , l instantly stopped in mid motion when I heard different sounds coming from one of the rooms .
  • “Who the hell is he …. “ , . I immediately trailed off in mid sentence when I walked a bit closer and for heaven’s sake what I witnessed made my mouth to instantly fall open and my eyes to pop out of her eyes . It was unbelievable but there it was a pair of smooth tanned legs wrapped up around Lucas’ pale naked butt .
  • “ No …… No …… it can’t be my Lucas “ , startled l argued with my mind as l stared at the different types of clothes that were all scattered around on the floor . “ Nooo ….. Am not going to believe it “ , I shook my head in denial and letting my curiosity to take over , l moved a bit more closer and lastly my eyes fall on them . As unbelievable as it was , there he was my sweet boy friend Lucas standing up against the dining table while thrusting in to a woman beneath him .
  • “ Ahh….. My goodness “ , Just as l was still watching him , l felt all the blood abruptly drain from my face when l horror of horrors realized that the lady who was beneath him was no body but my best friend Lisa . Noticing her made me to freeze up in my short black dress and with my eyes the only body part functioning , l watched them as they fucked each other .
  • “ Oh ! …… Ahh ! ….. yes am gonna cum …..oh ! Gosh Lucas …..oh ! Oh , ! Yes ……. “ , Lisa ‘ s screams sounded like a song in my ears . As much as my mind was telling me to go and show them that l was present , my legs couldn’t move . l was so shocked that l froze up in one place .With this l watched as Lisa’s legs tighten up around my boyfriend’s naked butt as she sucked under him and Lucas groaned more loudly while pounding even harder in her p***y . “ Oh ! Lisa you so hot …… Yes Lisa l do like your p***y ….. Yes milk my fucking c**k “ , Lucas also groaned out more loudly again , again and again with the sweat dripping from his hair and then fall on Lisa’s heavy round breasts .
  • “ What did l do to deserve this for heaven’s sake ? “ , Standing up like a statue , l asked myself inwardly . They were seriously enjoying their moment and already froze up , l couldn’t distract them . “ Oh ! Lucas …… give it to me hard ……. C*m in my p***y ….. I want you to empty your hot seeds in my p***y “ , Thou l was froze up when l heard Lisa’s words , my expression instantly changed on my face . “ He is not even using a condom , he is pounding in to her raw hard “ , At that l felt my eyes brim with tears . It was not that I was now jealousy but the condom thingy hit me so much to hell , he always used a condom while fucking me but then Lisa he didn’t . “ Was he afraid that l might be having STDs , but then l was not ….. “ , Thoughts immediately began to flow in my head and rethinking about it all , l lastly shook my head in disbelief .
  • “ L… Lucas “ , No matter how hard l tried to control myself , l heard my broken voice come out of my trembling lips . This was honestly too much to bear . “ Huh ! “ , As soon as he heard my voice , his eyes instantly flashed open and then cursed before pushing my best friend aside . “ Erinna …. Oh… Oh “ , l thought you not going to come “ , he shouted with his voice full of a mix of shock and awe . “ Uhmmm “ , I didn’t want any tear of mine to fall down my cheeks but seeing Lisa my best friend hide in the chest of Lucas made them to stream down my face
  • With the tears burning down against my cheeks , when l saw Lucas quickly dress up , l turned and stared at the corner of the apartment . I no longer had any interest in him and didn’t want to see even his cock . “ Erinna ! Erinna “ , the next thing I knew , Lucas was shaking me . “ Remove your filthy hands from me , do you think you can explain this ? “ , l hissed out then before l knew it my palm landed harshly on his cheek .
  • “ What..t “ , Shocked he walked a few steps back from me which made me grin . “ Erinna let me explain to…. “ , . “ Thanks but don’t “ , When he began to murmur , l waved him off then turned and looked at my best friend Lisa . “ Don’t worry , you can go on with your romance , take him all “ , When l saw her cover her breasts , l fake smiled at her and without throwing a glance at Lucas , l turned on my heels and walked out of the room , in a way that showed that l was not affected by them .