Chapter 765 The Great Sexual Awakening:>>Ep6
- Just before Ady climaxed, she belted out "oh god, I'm coming, Jake!" loud enough for much of the camp to hear. At that point, I sat up, lifted her off of me and maneuvered her onto all fours. As I got onto my knees and thrust my cock inside her, the memory of being inside Allyson, in the exact same position, less than 20 minutes earlier, was disorienting. But it was powerfully arousing as well. I grunted and came hard.
- As we lay there afterwards, thoroughly spent, Ady kept kissing me on the cheek and whispering things in my ear. "I can't believe how fun this is! Who knew this trip would be such a constant turn-on?" I didn't say much back. I just kept thinking of the mishap with Allyson and its repercussions. Had Allyson told Jason? Did she plan to? Should I tell Ady now? Should I wait until I could talk with Allyson about it? In the end, I decided not to ruin the moment. I'd sleep on it and try to talk with Allyson in the morning.
- DAY 4: The Talk