Chapter 503 My Secret Sex Obsession:Ep9
- I thought about it. My roommate had started getting suspicious of my late night work and I'd run out of places to change for my "dates". A place of my own would be perfect. I knew that I could probably afford an apartment with what I was making now, but this sounded more secure. "How long will this arrangement last?"
- "Until Big Ray gets tired of you. But between you and me, he's guaranteed me my fee for at least a year so you're safe for that long."
- Suzy told me what he was offering me and I knew I couldn't turn it down. Not only did it mean that I'd fuck my favourite cock regularly, but it made me financially independent. I told Suzy that I agreed to the terms and within a week I moved into my own apartment. I told my parents that I was sharing an apartment with some other girls and that we had caller display so that we only ever answered our own calls. I then told them that I wanted to keep working through the summer and they agreed that it was a good idea. They were proud of me. Little did they know that my work involved spreading my legs for an overweight millionaire with a huge cock.