Chapter 757 My Cock & Pussy Encounter:>>Ep10
- "Mmmm, let's see" she closed her eyes, still touching herself. "I'm sitting on your lap, riding up and down on your cock." Her voice was so seductive. "It's such a nice, hard cock. You've got your hands on my hips, grabbing them tight, your mouth on my breasts. I've got my arms wrapped around your neck..." She trailed off, momentarily lost in her fantasizing.
- I hung on her every word. And when she stopped talking, I took the opportunity to reach for some massage oil from the cart. Abby opened her eyes as she heard the sound of the oil squirting into my palm. Her eyes went wide, as if she'd just had an idea. She reached for the other bottle of oil on the cart. But instead of squirting a small amount of it onto her hand, as I had done, she slowly unscrewed the cap. Then, flashing a devilish smile, she turned the bottle upside down, letting the clear, thick liquid dribble out onto her breasts and down onto her belly. She moved the bottle around, letting it dribble onto other parts of her body, her shoulders, her thighs, her pussy.
- Then she put the bottle down and began to rub the oil in, all over, moving her arms slowly, making sure she touched everywhere she could. Soon her entire body was glistening, and the oil was everywhere, all over her chair and the floor around her feat. She smiled as she slid around on her now slick seat, her hips sliding left and right, back and forth, her oil-soaked fingers sliding in and out of her pussy.