Chapter 749 My Cock & Pussy Encounter:>>Ep2
- He continued, "this study is designed to assess the way in which the human mind processes and responds to sexual stimuli and how that response differs from person to person. As a part of this study, you will be exposed to various sexual stimuli and encouraged to masturbate." That prompted a number of us, myself included, to look around room. I'm sure we were all trying to gauge each other's reactions. For a moment, I made eye contact with Abby, but we both quickly looked away.
- Dr. Snyder continued, "these sessions will not be filmed, but you will be expected to fully and candidly discuss your experience afterward with a member of our team. You will each have one faculty member assigned to you." He swept his arm to indicate he was referring to himself and the 11 colleagues in lab coats flanking him.
- "While you will not be recorded or filmed, you may be observed. If anyone does not feel they can masturbate while being watched, please let us know now, while we still have time to select an alternate participant."