Chapter 702 My Cock Is Hungry For(Group Sex):>Ep6
- Then I realized what they were actually suggesting. They did not want a return to our three-way stand-off. I could see they were proposing the utter, polar opposite of that.
- In stories, when a guy is offered the opportunity for a threesome, much less the possibility of a throuple, he always hesitates trying to buy time. He is supposed to be afraid that the whole thing is a cruel trap, or just simply going to end in disaster somehow. His noble instincts are supposed to hold him back. Perhaps the opportunity is supposed to crystalize and reveal his feelings for whichever it his True Inner Preference™. Fear, uncertainty, and doubt, in various forms, are supposed to paralyze him.
- Here is the thing, at least in my case: What a guy in this circumstance actually does is...