Chapter 699 My Cock Is Hungry For(Group Sex):>Ep3
- Lee almost hissed at Lisa, then added sort of quellingly, "Me either, girl!" They kind of shared a fraught look for a moment. Then, damned if they didn't both turn their gaze on me! And it wasn't the friendliest look I'd ever seen from either of them.
- "Hey," I defended myself, against what, I didn't know. But I apparently needed defending. "I'm date-free these days, too! My social life isn't any better than yours. Hell, my social life is your social life," I added, looking to blunt from their weirdly angry vibe with mutual camaraderie.
- They traded looks. Then Lisa seemed to assume the role as spokesperson and almost shouted, "Oh, fuck off, George," she said, almost acidly.