Chapter 663 An Escape From Comfort:>>Ep4
- I walked through the chest high water to the other three. Without anyone saying anything about it, we fell into a sort of square, with each of us at a corner. Peter and I faced each other, with the women to our sides, facing each other as well. Erika was at the deepest corner of our formation, leaving her breasts almost entirely submerged. I was fine with that, as that meant my cock was pretty deep underwater also. Sara was on the shallowest corner of our little setup. I was cool with that too, as her tits were almost breaking free of the surface.
- And we just fell back into the conversation from earlier in the evening, chatting away about kids, jobs, Netflix, and other stuff, and sipping on our whiskey. It boggled my mind. We were all acting as if we were not naked as the day we were born and standing in a pool with other grown-ass adults.
- At least we were acting that way on the surface. There was an undercurrent of... something. Laughter at jokes came quicker and was louder than it had been before, but any obvious openings for a dirty joke or double-entendre were always ignored. Our kids had always been the number one subject of discussion among the four of us, but as this night went on, the subject of the girls drifted into the background.