Chapter 662 An Escape From Comfort:>>Ep3
- "That will barely get you up to a C-cup, you know," she told Erika. Erika agreed, as that was largely where she had started. The nurse made ticking sound in her mouth, temporizing. Then she said, "The doctor doesn't like to say this, because it ultimately makes more money for the practice, but, um... the number one regret we see from patients, and we don't get many regrets, comes from women who got a modest enhancement and realize afterward that they could have gone for more. A lot of them feel strongly enough about it that they come back for a second procedure."
- Erika laughed, then asked, "Really?"
- The nurse looked at her, then tossed a quick glance over her shoulder at me, "Honey, in your case, we are taking about 100% elective cosmetic surgery, or in coarser terms, you are here to pay big bucks for big tits. Why spend thousands on 'enhancements' that just get you back to where you started?"