Chapter 420 Glory Beyond The Hole:>>Ep24
- I knew that Michele was experiencing an intense orgasm as well. Our moans and groans filled the room together. I felt her fingers digging into my ass cheeks as she did so. Finally, after an almost impossibly long time, I felt my orgasm subside. Michele's did as well and I felt her now-soft cock slid out of my ass and send a shiver through my spine.
- I stood against the wall now panting. I felt light headed and my breath was sharp in my chest. For a moment, I was disoriented, not sure where I was or, more importantly when. I know it sounds crazy, but for a half second I wondered if I was back in time to the first time I'd felt pleasure here, if it now meant that it was time for me to rebuild my walls. I felt a shadow of that former isolation, that had trapped me for nearly ten years. I looked at the gray walls of the bathroom and didn't see a fortress, I saw a prison.
- But even as I thought this, I felt Michele's soft hands against my body. I could feel warmth flowing through from her hands. I caught my breath and slowly, my mind returned to where I was and who I was. The panic that had briefly gripped me started to slip away. I felt Michele's hands spin me around and into a standing position. I felt her arms wrap around me and pull me in.