Chapter 418 Glory Beyond The Hole:>>Ep22
- I looked towards the narrow, taped hole in the separator that I'd been extremely familiar with, at least from the other side. I didn't have to wait very long. After a few moments, I saw a 5-inch cock with smooth white skin, and a pink rounded tip push through the opening. I could smell it as well, the thick musky scent of arousal. It filled my little stall and made my mouth water. In a moment, I heard the metal crinkle and I knew that the person on the other side was pressed all the way against the separator.
- I quickly slid off of the toilet seat and dropped to my knees on the dirty floor. I was looking the cock, essentially, in the face. It was twitching slightly and just the sight of it made my mouth water. I felt my own cock stiffening underneath my skirt, pressing against my tight panties. Now I breathed in deeply, pulling the deep sexual scent into my lungs.
- The tension was already building inside of me. I didn't want to wait any longer. I reached my hand forward slowly and then carefully draped my hand across the top of the stiff cock. The skin felt smooth and hot against my fingers and I felt the person on the other side tremble. I curled my fingers all the way around the cock, feeling the tense muscles under the silky skin. I stroke the cock once, dragging my hand back towards my face. I watched the skin bunch up around the tip of the cock, then slid my hand back away again.