Chapter 409 Glory Beyond The Hole:>>Ep13
- At the last stop before the end of the line at the bus depot I was starting to lose hope. I looked behind me to see if she had somehow disappeared. She was still sitting in the back, no one else was around now. As the bus stopped she rose. I was ecstatic, I couldn't take anymore driving. I waited for her to pass me and then got off the bus as well.
- Now I was a little worried. I had to follow her and I was afraid of how to do that inconspicuously. I guess I didn't have anything to worry about. As we stepped off of the bus we were at an intersection. There was a large red brick apartment building right on the corner near the bus stop. Michele immediately started walking towards it. My already speedy heart rate started to race. There was only about twenty yards between the bus stop and the front door. Michele was only a few steps away from making it inside, I needed to act now.
- "Excuse me," I said, my voice barely above a whisper. She was getting closer to the door. I needed to get louder, "Excuse me miss?" I said. Michele hesitated for a moment then kept walking. I had to pull out the big guns, "Um, Excuse me Michele?" I said. Finally she stopped. She turned and looked at me. She was smiling awkwardly and looking a bit nervous.