Chapter 408 Glory Beyond The Hole:>>Ep12
- Crumbling Walls
- It was one week later and I was sitting in my car in the parking lot between the pet shop and the bar. My car was turned off and I had already been sitting there for quite a while. I was stewing in self-doubt and extreme anxiety. What the hell was I doing? Was this legal? Would any of this work even if I pulled everything off? What did I want? Every few seconds, I thought about driving away, going home and never thinking about any of this stuff again. But I never moved. Any time I thought of turning my keys in the ignition, my mind flittered back to the previous week, there, in the bathroom stall, when I'd really felt alive.
- It was the strength of that memory that had brought me here in the first place. It brought me here despite the fact that I'd already experienced bitter disappointment in trying to explore this connection before. The previous week when Michele, the waitress at the bar and, I was certain, my lover, had waited on me I'd been absolutely tongue-tied. Somehow, I'd managed to stammer out "hamburger" and "red wine." And she had cheerfully gotten my food.