Chapter 403 Glory Beyond The Hole:>>Ep7
- Pent up weeks without masturbation combined with years of intense sexual frustration conspired to ensure that I didn't last very long. I felt my lover's hand once against wrap around the base of my cock. I bit down on my finger, feeling that I was getting close. My lover pulled my cock out of their mouth, flicking their tongue against the tip while they started to vigorously stroke me. I felt my partner's lips seal around the tip of my cock as the stroking got faster and tighter.
- Then it happened. I bit down so hard for a moment I thought I'd draw blood. But then, the small amount of pain I felt in my finger was completely overwhelmed. It started with my balls seizing up, sort of pulsating. Then, I felt the laser-like jet of sperm move through my urethra, so backed up and over-stimulated that it felt like it was stretching me out and moving a million miles an hour. And I felt it burst through the tip of my cock, with my shaft now pulsing as well. And with this mechanical release of my ejaculate, I also felt a debilitating (and wonderful) sense of serenity and calm. It radiated out over my body, growing from my midsection to coat my brain in a fuzzy euphoria. I leaned forward against the wall to keep from falling.
- I heard a muffled noise on the other side of the stall, but my partner did not stop. The hand continued to pump on my hard cock, the lips maintained their seal, as my partner milked every last drop of my cum into their mouth. I felt the tongue, hot with my spunk, swirl around my tip and collect more and more of my sexual essence. Spurt after spurt of my sperm deposited in my lover's mouth and the intensity of the experience brought tears to my eyes.