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Chapter 345 The Uncontrollable Urge:>>Ep20

  • "You'd better," Cassie said, swinging the chair around so that she was watching us. Brittany walked in between my legs and put her hands on the insides of my thighs. Her hands were hot and her fingers pushed hard into my flesh. She wiped some of her own cum off of her tits and belly and then smeared it, now cooler from the air but still wet, all over my asshole. I moaned, enjoying the feel of her soft fingers against that delicate spot. She then spit in her hand and covered her cock in saliva. Finally, she positioned her cock against my asshole, and pushed. My body wanted it so bad, the tip slipped in easily.
  • Brittany's spit and sperm made it so velvety and smooth. I groaned, feeling the tip stretch. But it felt so lovely. My ball big balls hung down and rested on Brittany's cock as it started to work into my asshole. Brittany kept her hands on my hips now, holding me still while her cock pushed farther and farther into my body. I moaned and writhed on the bed, the pleasure was intense. And in a few moments, I felt Brittany's own large balls pressing against my ass cheeks and I knew she was all the way in. I wrapped my legs around her thin body while she started to pull out. Then she slammed her cock back into me. Brittany didn't mess around, she starting fucking me hard and fast. I felt her hard cock pushing in and out of my bowels. My mind almost went blank, but I tried to maintain my composure I wasn't done yet. I turned my head and looked at Cassie. She was watching us intently.
  • "Do you like to watch your daughter fuck me?" I asked Cassie. I should say now that I have no idea where my dirty talk comes from. I mean, it must just come with the hyper-arousal. Whatever.
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