Chapter 1209 Lined Up Bodies
- Kingsley, seemingly blind to the sorrow flickering in her gaze, waved her off with nonchalance. "Take care, Serena. I'll be waiting for your return." Serena's thoughts were a tangled mess as she traveled to the Golden Shield Security Firm. A heavy knot twisted in her chest, and her expression remained tense, brows knitted as if carved from stone. When she finally reached the Golden Shield Building, the sight of the towering, brightly lit building loomed over her like a silent monolith. She exhaled sharply, the sound barely audible over the pounding in her ears. Her fingers, curled tightly around the dagger's hilt, were damp with nervous sweat.
- Thud. Thud. Thud. Each stride toward the entrance echoed with purpose—footsteps of someone who had made peace with the worst outcome. But as soon as she crossed the threshold, her entire body went rigid, her mind grinding to a halt. "What… what the hell is this?" Before her, lined up with chilling precision, were seventy-six bodies. Each corpse bore its own unique mark of violence—no two wounds alike, as if death itself had been curated. Some corpses lay with arms torn apart by explosions, others bore clean bullet holes between their brows, and a few still had raw lash marks crisscrossing their skin—evidence of cruel interrogation that had wrung the life out of them!
- Serena, no stranger to bloodshed, felt an involuntary shiver crawl across her scalp. Even someone like her, with countless lives on her hands, couldn't help but feel unnerved by the grotesque spectacle before her. Near the heap of seventy-six lifeless bodies, two men clung desperately to the thin thread of life. Their weak, broken cries, muttered in the guttural language of the Empire of the Setting Sun, drifted toward her. "H-Help us… please…"