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Chapter 9 Nine

  • As Zion continued his practice, the weight of his sword felt familiar in his hands. Each swing was deliberate and measured, a testament to the countless hours he had spent honing his skills. His movements were fluid, a seamless blend of strength and precision, as he sought to master the art of combat.
  • In the midst of his practice, a familiar voice called out to him from the edge of the clearing. "Impressive as always, Zion," the voice said, its tone filled with a quiet confidence.
  • Zion turned to see Sagittarius approaching, a warm smile on his face. "Sagittarius," Zion greeted him with a nod. "What brings you here today?"
  • "I thought I'd join you for a bit of practice," Sagittarius replied, his eyes scanning the training ground. "It's been a while since we've had a chance to spar."
  • Zion nodded in agreement, gesturing for Sagittarius to join him. As they began to practice together, the rhythm of their movements echoed through the clearing. Sagittarius moved with a grace that belied his true strength, his swordplay a testament to his skill and experience.
  • As they practiced, their conversation turned to the upcoming war that loomed on the horizon. "I will be participating in the war as well," Sagittarius revealed, his voice filled with determination. "It's a crucial time for our kingdom, and I cannot stand idly by."
  • Zion nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "What weapon will you be using in the war?" he asked, curious about Sagittarius's combat style.
  • Sagittarius smiled enigmatically. "I prefer the sword," he replied, his eyes glinting with a hint of mischief. "But I also have a few tricks up my sleeve, so to speak. A bit of magic can be quite useful in battle."
  • Zion raised an eyebrow, intrigued by Sagittarius's mention of magic. "Magic?" he echoed, his curiosity piqued. "I didn't know you were skilled in the arcane arts as well."
  • Sagittarius chuckled softly. "There are many things about me that may surprise you, Zion," he said cryptically. "But for now, let us focus on our training. The days ahead will require all of our strength and skill."
  • With that, they resumed their practice, the sounds of their swords clashing echoing through the forest.
  • The forest echoed with the sounds of their training as Zion pondered Sagittarius's request. "Do you practice magic as well?" he inquired, his voice tinged with curiosity as he continued to wield his sword with practiced precision.
  • Sagittarius nodded, his eyes reflecting a depth of knowledge that intrigued Zion. "Yes, I have some knowledge of the arcane arts," he replied, his gaze fixed on Zion. "In fact, I believe it's time you showed me what you've learned."
  • Zion hesitated for a moment, a flicker of uncertainty crossing his features. The idea of demonstrating his newfound abilities to someone as experienced as Sagittarius was daunting. Nevertheless, he knew that he had to embrace this opportunity to grow.
  • With a deep breath, Zion focused his thoughts on the magic he had been taught. He closed his eyes and concentrated on the energy within him, trying to summon the elusive power that had eluded him for so long.
  • As he opened his eyes, a faint shimmer of energy surrounded his hand, a sign that he was successfully tapping into his magical potential. Sagittarius watched with a keen gaze, his expression inscrutable as he observed Zion's efforts.
  • To his surprise, Zion managed to maneuver the magic, albeit with some difficulty. He could feel the raw power coursing through him, a sensation that both exhilarated and unnerved him.
  • Sagittarius's eyes widened imperceptibly for a moment, a brief flicker of surprise crossing his features before he quickly composed himself. Deep down, however, he knew that he had not summoned an error. Instead, he had summoned a future powerful man.
  • "You have a natural talent for magic," Sagittarius remarked, his voice filled with genuine admiration. "With time and practice, you will become even more proficient."
  • Zion was taken aback by Sagittarius's words. He had never considered himself to be particularly skilled in magic, but Sagittarius's reaction hinted at a potential he had yet to fully grasp.
  • As their training session continued, Sagittarius noticed Hunter observing their practice with keen interest. Sensing Hunter's curiosity, Sagittarius approached him with a knowing smile. "Would you like to learn a little about magic as well?" he asked, his voice carrying a hint of amusement.
  • Hunter hesitated for a moment, his usual composed demeanor faltering slightly. "I'm not sure if it's something I could do," he admitted, his tone reflecting a mix of uncertainty and intrigue.
  • Sagittarius nodded in understanding. "Magic is a discipline that requires focus and discipline," he explained, his eyes locking with Hunter's. "But with the right guidance, anyone can learn to harness its power."
  • With that, Sagittarius began to teach Hunter the basics of magic, demonstrating simple spells and techniques to help him understand its principles. Hunter listened intently, absorbing every word and gesture as he tried to grasp the concepts being presented to him.
  • Meanwhile, Zion continued to practice alongside them, his focus unwavering as he honed his skills under Sagittarius's guidance. With each passing moment, he felt himself growing more attuned to the magic within him, his abilities expanding with each new insight.
  • As the training session drew to a close, Sagittarius turned to Hunter with a smile. "You have a natural affinity for magic," he remarked, his eyes reflecting a genuine sense of pride. "With a little more practice, you could become quite proficient."
  • Hunter nodded, a newfound determination shining in his eyes. "I'll keep practicing," he vowed, his voice filled with resolve. "Thank you for teaching me, Sagittarius."
  • As Sagittarius came back, he and Leonard discussed their plans, Sagittarius couldn't help but inject a note of dark humor into the conversation. "Perhaps we should start preparing rooms for our new arrivals," he joked, a sardonic smile playing at the corners of his lips.
  • Leonard raised an eyebrow at the jest, his expression serious. "This is no laughing matter, Sagittarius," he cautioned, his voice tinged with concern. "The consequences of this war could be catastrophic."
  • Sagittarius nodded, the humor fading from his features. "I understand the gravity of the situation, Leonard," he replied, his tone more somber. "But sometimes, a bit of gallows humor is all we have to keep our spirits up in the face of such adversity."
  • As they continued to discuss their plans, Sagittarius's mind raced with possibilities. He knew that the road ahead would be fraught with peril, but he was determined to do whatever it took to protect their world from the impending disaster.