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The Emergency Pregnancy

The Emergency Pregnancy

Déraa Brown

Last update: 1970-01-01

Chapter 1 Meet Erica

  • It was night in the City of Los Angeles, Erica had just left the hotel heading home after a long day. She couldn’t deny how stressed she was and how much her body aches her.
  • “Oh damnit I think I’m beginning to wish I had a super power” she groaned lowly.
  • “I wouldn’t waste my time to take steps instead I’d rather fly home.. but come to think of it, wouldn’t it be stress to?” she thought and stood where she was with her head low to thinking but then passerby around stared at her wondering if she was okay.
  • “Arrgh.. I forgot taxi existed” She screamed and threw her head up making her hair go all over her face creating a mess. “Pft!” she clicked her tongue and ran her hands through her hair, as far as she could see she was okay even if she is seeing people around stare at her like she was a mad person.
  • “Uh.. I’m sorry” she whispered and rushed to stop a coming cab.
  • In no time she went in and laid on the chair at the back seat immediately after releasing a heavy sigh and groaned aloud.
  • “SunLilly’s road please” she managed to say to the cab man and he drove off.
  • Today was the first day she had been so stressed out, even though she works as a waitress in the hotel bar.. today turned out to be so stressful probably because there were too much customers unlike before and at the same time she does the work of a room service.
  • She shut her eyes slowly to think of herself a little,
  • Was she wrong about the decision she made then? Because of what she chose her parents left her and before then they always said she was good for nothing.
  • Every little thing she does to please them doesn’t get appreciated, Even in school then whenever she gets a second or third position she would still be scolded and punished by her dad, he stopped sponsoring her school fees for a term and she raised the money herself, Her Mom?
  • She couldn’t say anything but let her husband have his way and that’s what made Erica hate her the more , those time she needed her Mom to defend her she wouldn’t do anything but let her husband and on the other hand, her elder sister Jemma didn’t say a word too, Since Jemma had more interest in education..her parents focused more on her.
  • And since Erica couldn’t get the family she wanted she left to live her life and her family and the other hand left her. She couldn’t further her educations so she stopped at her high school level and worked in Restaurants, malls, boutiques and all that just to raise money for her feeding and shelter, but within the past week she left New York for Los Angeles so she can be far from her so called family. She didn’t bother herself about having a friend nor a boyfriend…not after what her Ex boyfriend Ronald did to her.
  • Her family discriminated her enough and that made her have no single friend but she got used to it so presently, she knows no one in Los Angeles but herself alone.
  • Luckily enough for her she got the Job of a waitress in one of the top hotels in the City and earns so well
  • A lot of thought ran through her head, she wondered what it would look like if she eventually went to college, could she probably be working In the big company or own her own company?.
  • She wouldn’t be so stressed would she?
  • Erica shook her head and shrugged her head, “Whatever it’s has happened already life goes on” she said to herself lowly and drifted off to sleep.
  • Few minutes later the cab pulled to a halt before her apartment. “ma’am you’re home” the cab man said but Erica had already gone to sleep. He repeated himself but the same thing there was no reply from her then he turned back to check up on her himself and found out she was asleep.
  • “Miss” he called lowly tapping her shoulder and slowly brought her back to reality..
  • She jerked back up to see she had already arrived at her house and then she yawned stylishly. “ I am really sorry I slept off, here’s your pay” she said to the cab man and paid for her ride before she walked down the car.
  • Erica tiredly dragged her feet into the compound, so good enough for her she had been able to rent an apartment, She has no neighbor to disturb her, she lives alone in her house and with that she stepped into her house and turned on the light switch, without hesitation she fell on her couch with a loud sigh.
  • “oh goodness!!” she yelled out tiredly doubting she would get up again for the day.
  • Just as she thought, she didn’t get up again but slept off on the couch