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Chapter 2

  • Massimo pov.
  • I was tired, I had been busy all day checking some shipments that were about to go out and discuss new clients with Tommy, my second in command so now finally I had some time to relax at my favorite club, Skye.
  • I'm sitting with Tommy in the VIP section of the club drinking cocktails, but I was getting a little bored so I walked over to the glass wall that was separating the VIP section from the normal launch bar and dancefloor.
  • Suddenly my eye caught a glimpse of something very interesting on the dance floor, an exquisitely beautiful young flower!! I'm rooted to my spot and I feel my eyes drawn to those sensual moving curves!!
  • Suddenly she looks up at me and our eyes are locked and then she smiles....she smiled at me!
  • "Boss...Boss!!" Tommy called for my attention.
  • "What!!...." " Tommy?"
  • "Boss, there is a phone call for you!"
  • "Take it, I'm busy!" I tell him without withdrawing my eyes from my dancing flower.
  • "But boss, they say they will only talk to you!"
  • "Then you tell them that your boss just told you that he can't talk right now so they have to listen to you!"
  • "Ok boss, sorry for disturbing you!" he softly says and walks away leaving me alone deep in thought.
  • I want to know her, see her, taste her, have her in my arms, under my body right now!!....damn it...I already have a hard-on!! Ok Massi you have to get down there first and maybe you can come close to her enough to find out her name or something.
  • So I tell Tommy and my bodyguards that I go to the dancefloor but also that they should not come too close and let me do my thing.
  • I go down the stairs and start to mingle on the dancefloor, it's dark but I find her anyway.
  • Then I spotted God from up close she's even more beautiful than I thought and God!!......
  • She smells divine!!
  • She is dancing with another girl but she is not that special but HER....she's something!!
  • Without her noticing, I took a quick picture of her with my phone. I move forward, I don't know what was happening to me but my body was pushing me closer to her until I was dancing behind her, and then she suddenly turns around and our eyes meet for the very first time up close and personal!! And oh my God!! I'm a freaking Mafia King but here I am drooling over a young girl like a freaking love-sick puppy!!.....what's going on here??...... I say in my mind as I feel myself drowning in her gaze...
  • She smiled at me while she said something but I was so in a haze that I didn't even notice she was talking to me, but then I got out of it and she says
  • with a sexy smirk: "hey handsome like what you see?"
  • I take her with one hand on her waist and the other takes hers and we dance for a few minutes as I look deep into her mesmerizing eyes!!
  • I can't deny it! I want her, my whole being wants her!! The sparks I felt when I touched her took me out of this world!!.
  • But as soon as the song is finished she slips out of my embrace leaving my body cold. But before she could walk away entirely I grabbed her hand and I pulled her back to whisper in her ear: "Until next time babygirl!"
  • She looked at me surprised with a small smile adorning her lips and then she walks off the dancefloor but before she vanishes in the crowd
  • she turns around one more time and looks at me while biting her lower lip!!......"shit baby girl what are you doing to me??" I whisper.
  • She's gone, why didn't I ask her name or number or something? I ask myself and I don't know what to answer.
  • I walk towards Tommy who waits for me at the bar. Time to put my boss's face back on, instead of a lovesick puppy! I mentally slap myself!
  • "Had some fun Boss?" Tommy smirks looking at me but I just ignore him for a moment still in thought thinking about my beautiful flower!
  • "Boss?"
  • "Yes, Tommy, what is it?" I say, feeling a little annoyed.
  • "We have to go because that problem at the warehouse will not resolve itself!" Tommy tells me a bit hesitantly and I nod in understanding.
  • "Sorry Tommy, let's go then!" I say walking to the exit.
  • I ask the security guard at the exit to give a note to the girl that I describe who I was dancing with with the request that he gives it to her when he sees her leaving the club and he nods as confirmation that he will do what I asked him to do, after that we enter our cars and go straight to one of my warehouses where there seems to be trouble with some Russian dude who doesn't abide by the law.
  • "So what was that all about with that girl?" Tommy asks me, smirking.
  • I sigh deeply, I know I can trust Tommy with my life, he is my best friend, my brother! Not by birth but we treat each other like that anyways so I know I can tell him knowing that he will keep it to himself.
  • "You saw her right?" I ask him and he nods.
  • "Yeah, she's beautiful!" He says.
  • "More than that Tommy! Much more than that, she's a queen!......MY Queen!!" I whisper only for Tommy to hear whose mouth slightly drops upon hearing my words.
  • "Do anything to find information about her, can you do that for me,
  • "Tommy?"
  • "Ok....okay Boss!"
  • "Good and when you are done let me know asap!!"
  • "Don't worry!" He says and I nod at him as a thank you. I look through the car window outside onto the night.....we are on our way to the warehouse and we don't know what we are walking into!.... I just hope it's not going to be too much trouble to convince that bastard to start obeying me otherwise he will not like the consequences!...... I think by myself as we fly fast through the landscape away from the city.