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Chapter 5 Phoenix

  • Receiving $100,000 for maintenance expenses was mind-boggling. I swallowed hard as the money landed in my account. When I showed my sister, she couldn't contain her joy. The first thing I did was buy my dad a new car.
  • He was taken aback but I explained everything to him, though he was adamantly against it.
  • "No amount of money justifies sacrificing nine months and enduring childbirth," he argued.
  • "I understand your concerns, Dad, but we have to consider the financial opportunities it brings," I reasoned.
  • "We're content with what we have," he insisted, looking at me.
  • "Through stealing and gambling?" I retorted, and he fell silent.
  • "Perhaps you could use the car for a taxi service. Once I receive my full payment, I'll find you a better job. But for now, let's find a new place to rent," I suggested, lightening the mood.
  • "Thank you," my dad said, and I smiled. At least he didn't abandon us like my mom did.
  • "No, thank you," I replied, embracing him.
  • If I didn't tell you, Rome was furious that day, but it was somewhat satisfying to watch, knowing there was nothing he could do about it.
  • "I meant the other Phoenix, I specifically told you not the one that came late," Rome complained to his sister.
  • "You gave me her file, not the other lady," Camilla said, gesturing to me.
  • "I don't want her," he simply said, his gaze cold and unforgiving. His sister looked at me, then back at him, likely perplexed by his disdain.
  • "There's nothing we can do," Camilla explained.
  • "What do you mean?!" he asked, furrowing his brow in frustration.
  • "The procedure has already been done, we are waiting for the results," she clarified, causing Rome to groan in frustration.
  • His gaze turned to me, his glare intense enough to send shivers down my spine. If looks could kill, I'd be long gone. With a mumble, he walked away, his displeasure palpable.
  • Camilla approached me, offering an apologetic smile. "I am so sorry that happened," she said.
  • "No problem at all," I replied, masking my unease with a smile. She nodded, offering a sympathetic look, before walking away.
  • That was quite the turn of events, and I have to admit, it was amusing. Eventually, we signed a contract, and it was agreed that I would start living with him when the baby is four months old. I know it's going to be a tough time, but I'm ready for the challenge.
  • "You want ice cream again?" Beatrix asked, noticing my nod.
  • "Damn, no doubt that you're pregnant," she remarked, causing me to gasp.
  • "Seriously?" I asked, my eyes widening in surprise.
  • "Yes, you've been craving unnecessary things lately," she pointed out.
  • "That's not true," I protested, though her observation made me wonder.
  • "Then why are you on your fourth ice cream today?" she questioned, confirming her point. Wait! Fourth? I hadn't even realized.
  • "Yes," she confirmed. That realization hit me like a ton of bricks- I needed to take the pregnancy test.
  • "Should I take the test now?" I asked.
  • "Yes, when did the doctor tell you to take it?" Beatrix inquired, and I realized I'd forgotten. I remembered her saying... okay, I forgot.
  • "I don't remember," I admitted sheepishly, earning a deep sigh from Beatrix.
  • "Let's just go get the test," she suggested.
  • "Okay," I agreed.
  • We bought the test and returned home, feeling overwhelmed by the reality sinking in-I was actually going to carry a baby in my stomach. Arghhhhhh!!!
  • We read the instructions carefully before I finally entered the bathroom to take the test. Following the steps meticulously, I anxiously awaited the results. My heart raced as I glanced at the test after three minutes.
  • "Ahhhhhhh!" I screamed out loud, my smile wide and beaming with joy.
  • I could hardly contain my excitement about the news. I had to call Camilla right away, and she was thrilled too. She promised to take me to a doctor's appointment the next day.
  • The anticipation was overwhelming-I couldn't believe I was carrying a life inside of me. I never imagined I'd be pregnant before I turned 35.
  • The next morning, I woke up feeling great, a big smile plastered on my face. Today was the day of the doctor's appointment.
  • I dressed in a simple blue dress and styled my hair into a bun, eagerly awaiting Camilla's arrival to pick me up. However, my shock was palpable when she showed up with her brother in tow.
  • Why was he here?
  • "Is this where she lives?" Rome asked, his face twisted with disgust. Camilla shot him a glance before turning to me with an apologetic smile.
  • "I'm so sorry," she murmured.
  • "You can't keep living here while my baby is inside of you," Rome stated, advancing towards me.
  • "Well, the contract says otherwise," I retorted, rolling my eyes at his rude demeanor.
  • "I can change that if it's in the best interest of my child," he declared, scanning the surroundings with a critical eye.
  • "This place doesn't have good hygiene," he remarked, his expression dripping with disdain.
  • "We can sort this out later," Camilla interjected.
  • "No, it has to be sorted out now. The smell here is not even hygienic at all. I don't want this! Don't you know that there is something like a miscarriage?" he snapped, his irritation palpable.
  • I sighed deeply, struggling to contain my anger. As much as I wanted to unleash my frustration on him, I knew I couldn't. He was technically my boss, and I was carrying his child. But as soon as this child was born and I had my money in hand, I might just end up giving him a hot slap and a punch to the face.
  • "Okay, maybe an apartment will be rented for her closer to you," Camilla suggested, trying to diffuse the tension.
  • "Better," he grunted, striding towards the car.
  • "I'm so sorry, he's not normally like this," Camilla apologized, looking genuinely embarrassed.
  • "Don't worry, I'm used to people like this," I replied, forcing a fake smile.
  • "Thanks," she mumbled.
  • Arriving at the hospital, we met with the doctor who would conduct the urine test.
  • And it came back positive, as expected. I was given instructions on what to do and what to avoid. It felt like a rollercoaster, but all my anxiety melted away when Camilla calmed me down.
  • All Rome seemed to care about was whether the baby was healthy. Can you imagine Rome asked the doctor if staying in a lousy and dirty environment could harm the baby? Such a dramatic guy.
  • When I returned home, Rome was furious that I would be staying in my own house that night.
  • "She should stay at my house, not this..." he gestured towards my house with irritation evident in his tone. I couldn't help but laugh inwardly. Well, it's not his fault. He's rich, so...
  • "Tomorrow, please," Camilla interjected.
  • "Tomorrow is too far. What if something happens to the baby?" he asked, turning to Camilla.
  • Such a drama king.
  • "I thought you did surrogacy before. How much were you paid? And did they allow you to live in this..." He paused, then sighed. "At least it should be up to 1 million dollars," he concluded, looking at his sister, not me.
  • "Rome, we talked about this. Tomorrow, she will go to the new apartment. Agreed?" Camilla asked, looking at both me and Rome.
  • "Agreed," I said.
  • "As if you have a choice," Rome retorted, making me scoff.
  • "Rome," Camilla chided, giving me a stern look.
  • "Tomorrow, be there early, at six," Rome instructed, walking to his car.
  • "Sorry," Camilla said, running after him before he drove off.
  • Just nine months, and I won't have to deal with this prick anymore!
  • TBC