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Chapter 3

  • After the kids slept off, Amanda went to her room and applied all kinds of makeup that hides her beauty and makes her look extremely ugly.
  • As she sneaked out of her room, she bumped into her mom and her mom almost screamed.
  • "What in the world is happening?" Grandma Nana (Amanda's mom) exclaimed, not believing her eyes. "Why would Amanda put on this? she asked herself.
  • "Mom, I have gotten a chance to sing at a bar tonight and you know there's no way I'm gonna sing with my beauty," Amanda said.
  • "But with the way you are looking now, I'm sure you will scare off the guests. Amanda, you are beautiful and who knows your beauty can get you more tips. Besides, you don't have to do all of this, I'm getting my payment tomorrow and we can work things out," Nana replied.
  • "Nana, you don't get it, the kids' teachers said they should bring almost 100 dollars tomorrow and there is no miracle that can provide us with the money before tomorrow morning. I know you cared for me, but please let me do what is right. The kids are my responsibility and I will do anything to take care of them," Amanda said.
  • "You are still young honey, but why do you have to look ugly, extremely ugly before going to the bar?" Nana asked.
  • "It was my beauty that made that strange man rape me four years ago. I don't want history to repeat itself, and besides, I don't want anyone to mock my kids about their mom being a singer or a dancer, I will be late mom, take care, love you." Amanda answered and rushed off because Nana could say anything. She sighed and went to her room.
  • >
  • A very handsome man hopped down the plane wearing black sunglasses and a white suit, his haircut was trimmed perfectly, making him look adorable. Out of nowhere, different kinds of paparazzi and crazy fans appeared blocking his view as his guards managed to get him out of there.
  • "Mr. Rowan Xi, how do you feel coming back to your country after four years?" A female reporter asked.
  • "It's none of anyone's business, get them out of here," Rowan replied coldly as he pushed through the crowds and entered his new Lamborghini. His guards greeted him with a bow, as he is the kind of guy that doesn't tolerate disrespect.
  • He ordered the driver not to drive, and after waiting for some time, the crazy fans and reporters had no option but to leave.
  • Mr. Rowan gets out of the car.
  • "Can't one just enjoy the fresh air without any interruption?" He soliloquies, and that's when his eyes caught the sight of his cousin Jack, who was also arriving from France.
  • "Hey dude." Jack said and hugged him.
  • "How are you?" Jack asked.
  • "I'm fine, and you don't have to ruin my suit," Rowan replied.
  • "Old habits never die easily. Anyway, you should be thanking me that at least if your suit looks messy, your crazy girl’s fans won't find you attractive. So what's up? Heading home already?" Jack asked.
  • "If not home, do I have somewhere else to go?" Rowan asked, annoyed.
  • "You don't have to be so annoying. Look, I know about this new bar, they are the best. We can go there and have fun," Jack answered.
  • "I'm not interested, you can go alone."
  • Rowan said.
  • "Please don't be such a joy killer, please come with me, please," Jack pleaded.
  • "Fine, but I'm not gonna spend time over there." Rowan said.
  • "Yesss! Thank you." Jack replied, and they entered the car. The driver closed the door and started the engine and they zoomed off to the airport.
  • Hours later, at the city Bar, Amanda arrived early, so the manager allowed her to go on stage to sing for 5,000 dollars. She was happy that at least she would get some change after paying off the kids' school, whatever.
  • She went over to the stage and started singing and dancing, her voice sounded angelic and her words were full of pity.
  • "This is so boring." Rowan exclaimed.
  • "This is so good dude, look at her, she looks so lovely and her voice could wake the dead, I'm sure it could." Jack said.
  • "You are kidding, right? All I can see is a lady who is extremely ugly and looks like a clown," Rowan replied.
  • "C'mon that's so rude, this girl is so full of talent, I'm gonna talk to her." Jack said.
  • "You are kidding, you are not gonna invite that ugly girl to our table, it is already bad you forced me to come with you to this noisy bar." Rowan replied.
  • "You are so rude, and I'm gonna call her anyway," Jack said and rolled his eyes; he called a waiter and told him to call Amanda.
  • Amanda was singing when a waiter told her to come. She followed him and he took her to Jack's table.
  • "Hey, good evening." Amanda said as she approached them. She was feeling nervous but tried to hide it as she didn't want them to notice.
  • Rowan immediately raised his head as her voice sounded very familiar, a voice he couldn't forget, but recalling that the girl he raped was beautiful but the one in front of him was exactly the opposite.
  • "Evening angelic voice, I was listening to your song and it was damn amazing, girl, you are so good." Jack said, admiring Amanda despite her looks.
  • "Thank you sir." Amanda replied with a forced smile. All she wanted was to get out of that place.
  • "I'm Jack, and he is Rowan, my brother."
  • Jack said and stretched out his hand, waiting eagerly for Amanda to receive it, which she did reluctantly.
  • "Rowan Xi?" Amanda asked with wide eyes. She couldn't believe he was the one, he was very popular even after he had earlier left the country.
  • "Yes, you know him? Guy, you are a celebrity." Jack replied, smiling at Rowan, but of course he knew he was.
  • "I saw him on the TV," Amanda said with a sheepish smile with the thought "who don't know Rowan Xi"
  • "Oh great, what's your name?" Jack asked and focused his attention on her.
  • "Amanda sir." Amanda answered, wondering why he was asking for her name.
  • "Nice to meet you Amanda, I just wanted to say hi, you can go back to your song."
  • Jack said with a charming smile. It made Amanda a little bit shaken. She had never met anyone with such a smile. It was so breathtaking but she comported herself in order not to lose her guard so easily and had quadruplets to take care of. She screamed in her mind.
  • "Thank you sir." Amanda replied and started heading back quickly without waiting for Jack to say anything further. She had to go home early. She didn't know if her mom needed her help.
  • Rowan eyed Jack and then said as Amanda went out of sight.
  • "You are such a jerk, I swear," he hissed and looked away and Jack only laughed.
  • Amanda went backstage and undressed, she wiped off the make- up, which made her look like her old self again. She stared deep into her hazel green in the mirror and then decided to start leaving before Jack and Rowan would summon her again or anyone else.
  • Rowan, who had an important private call to make, excused himself and walked out of the bar through the exit door.
  • It was the same time Amanda came out of the dressing room, she used the back door and while heading towards the exit of the bar, she bumped into Rowan. He froze as he stared into her eyes, which got him hooked.