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Chapter 3 Forced Union

  • “Get undressed.” He ordered. I was about to ask him to repeat what he said when he did just that. “I said, get undressed now.”
  • Everything was just going so fast that I couldn't help but wonder what would happen next. Not more than an hour ago, we were in front of a judge who facilitated our wedding. I became Mrs. Claude Robinsons so fast that it felt even faster than the amount of time that we traveled from the wedding venue to the Robinson's Mansion in a Bugatti
  • Earlier that day, I was just contemplating on the thoughts of getting married. Staring at myself in the mirror, I had the lightest makeup on, and I styled my hair with a simple chignon. My stilettos were high enough to not let the hemline of my white dress sweep the floor.
  • "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride," uttered the judge who officiated our wedding.
  • I blinked when Claude took my hand. I thought he was going to kiss me, but I was surprised by what came out of my husband's mouth.
  • "Excuse us. We'll go ahead. We have a lot to do," Claude said seriously.
  • He didn't give anyone a chance to react. He simply grabbed my hand and hastily exited the office of the judge.
  • I almost stumbled with Claude's fast pace. I was wearing four-inch stilettos and my white dress was quite long, making it difficult for me to keep up with his pace. It felt like Claude was dragging me along.
  • "Hey! Slow down. Where are we going?" I asked nervously.
  • "Don't speak. Just follow me." Claude said without even looking at me. He quickened his pace and held my hand tighter.
  • Even if I wanted to protest, I couldn't. I was scared of what I saw in his demeanor. His jaws were clenched tightly. His face was as dark as the impending rain in the sky.
  • When we reached Claude's car, he finally let go of my hand. As he opened the car, I stared at it intently.
  • I raised an eyebrow when I recognized the car model, a Bugatti Centodieci. Was Claude's family really that wealthy? So stupid of me to even asked that question.
  • "Get in!"
  • I flinched when I heard Claude's voice. I hurriedly got inside.
  • "Seatbelt!" Claude shouted again as he settled into the driver's seat.
  • I quickly fastened my seatbelt. I had barely finished when Claude started the engine. I felt almost dizzy because it seemed like Claude wasn't just driving, but flying. I held onto my seat tightly to avoid falling off. I also closed my eyes tightly out of intense fear. I couldn't bear to look at the road as the wheels almost didn't touch the ground.
  • I only opened my eyes when I felt the car stopped. I noticed we were in front of a mansion. I stared at the house in front of me for a few seconds.
  • We aren't poor. My family was also well-off because my parents had their own business too. But it seemed like there was a big gap in our lives compared to my husband's.
  • "Get out!"
  • I winced when I heard Claude's voice. I noticed that the door on my side was already open, and my husband was staring at me seriously.
  • I unfastened my seatbelt and hurriedly got out of the car. my eyes widened when I saw the house in front of me. The facade said it all, they weren't just rich, they were crazy rich.
  • "Is this your house?" I couldn't help but ask.
  • Claude raised an eyebrow. "No. It's my parents’."
  • "Okay. Are we going to live here?"
  • Claude didn't answer me. Something else came out of his mouth. "Hurry up! Don't dawdle there!" Claude snapped.
  • I just covered my mouth and tried to keep up with my husband as he briskly walked into the house.
  • As soon as we entered, I noticed the luxurious living room of the Robinson family. But before I could express my admiration, Claude suddenly pulled me.
  • "Ouch! What are you doing? You're hurting me!" I complained. I wanted to pull my hand away, but Claude held on tightly. I had no choice but to follow him as if I were a small child.
  • Even when we entered the elevator, Claude was still holding my hand. He only let go when we were inside. His grip was so tight that it left marks on my wrist.
  • When we stepped out of the elevator, Claude pulled me again until we reached the bedroom. Once inside, he pushed me onto the bed. I quickly got up, only to be startled by what he said next.
  • "Get undressed!"
  • My jaw dropped. "A-are you kidding?"
  • "Do I look like I'm playing around, huh?"
  • I didn't know how to respond. I noticed Claude sitting on the edge of the bed, taking his shoes and socks off. my eyes widened when I saw him unbuckling his belt. I tried to get off the bed, but Claude grabbed my hand, and pulled me back.
  • "Where do you think you're going? So, you are playing innocent now? You forced this upon yourself, didn't you?"
  • I narrowed my eyes at Claude, who was now unbuttoning his shirt after tucking it out.
  • “We just got married, aren't newlyweds supposed to have a honeymoon?” He gave a razor-sharp stare while saying that.
  • "But... I-I'm not ready. Can we do this another day?"
  • Claude let go of my hand. He stood up and cupped my cheeks with his hands.
  • "Aren't you interested in my money? Well, I'll give you all the money you need in exchange for your body. I probably won't lose out on you, right?"
  • I felt a pang in my heart at Claude's words. So, he agreed to marry me just because he was interested in my body. It seemed like I was no different from a paid woman.
  • But then again, that was the truth, wasn't it? I agreed to marry Claude to help me and my sister rebuild the company left by my parents. Besides, I hoped to save my sister from Mr. Martin's clutches. I owed it to Claude's parents. So maybe it was right for me to sacrifice myself for the sake of me and my sister's well-being.
  • Furthermore, I didn't want to owe anyone anything. So, I would do everything to pay back everyone who helped me and my sister.
  • "What are you waiting for? Get undressed now!" Claude urged.
  • Only then did I notice that Claude had already taken off his polo shirt and undershirt, exposing his bare chest. I swallowed hard as I saw his broad shoulders, sturdy chest, and prominent abs.
  • I silently counted the eight-pack abs Claude proudly displayed.
  • “Enjoying the view?" Claude sarcastically asked.
  • I didn't respond. I looked away.
  • "If you don't want me to ruin your clothes, then get undressed," Claude ordered with emphasis.
  • I frowned. I wasn't embarrassed about my body. But I couldn't fully comprehend how depraved my husband was.
  • I took off my shoes. Then, I took a step back and felt for the zipper of my dress. Carefully, I lowered it down, and when the dress fell to my feet, I stepped forward again.
  • Claude stared intently at me.
  • "Take it all off! You won't leave anything on your body!" he commanded.
  • I winced. Despite feeling insulted by my husband's command, I still reluctantly obeyed. I unhooked my bra and took it off. I quickly followed suit with my panties. With courage, I faced my husband.
  • I immediately noticed the slight lust in Claude's eyes. Even his Adam's apple moved rapidly. His eyes were filled with desire as it roamed over my entire body.
  • If it were any other woman standing before my husband, I might feel shy about undressing. But not me. I even took pride in my body because it was my best asset aside from my intellect.
  • Claude approached me and stood right in front of me. I felt the weight of his stare scrutinizing every inch of me, my skin, and each curve.
  • "This is mine," he said, tracing my lips with his thumb. "These are also mine," Claude squeezed my n*ppl*s.
  • I almost moaned at what he did.
  • "Even this one is mine alone," his finger traced the cleft between my thighs.
  • I instinctively gripped Claude's shoulder as he started to caress my most intimate part.
  • "Today and onwards, I own you from head to foot," Claude declared before capturing my lips.
  • All I could do was moan as Claude delved deeper into my mouth as he opened It.