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Chapter 6 How Dare Him!

  • Irish shrugged and started walking back in the same direction Ethan led her in.
  • She gazed admiringly at the poll once more before finally leaving.
  • Her mind was so occupied that she didn't even knew when she go to the edge of a passageway.
  • There were three doors and she stood wondering which was the door to the living room.
  • "Irish you deserve some heavy whip!" She said biting her owe lip.
  • She had been staring at his broad back all the way to the garden and now she's lost in the middle of three doors .
  • How could she not even know which door.
  • Is she that dumb?
  • Or distracted.
  • She sighed and made to turn the knob of the door on her left.
  • "That's the door to Arin's playing room" Ethan suddenly said, startling the hell out of Irish.
  • She breathed in and out before turning to face him.
  • "You said you knew the way back to the living room" Ethan said.
  • " got confusing" Irish said, embarrassed.
  • How long has he been behind her?
  • He must have been entertained by her stupidity" Irish thought, almost cursing at herself.
  • "You can use the door on your right " Ethan said and walked into his room.
  • "Thank you" Irish murmured and hoped he heard through the thick door.
  • ___
  • "Thirty million?" Arusha asked in disbelief.
  • "Yes,i was shocked"
  • "! That's half of the debt dad still owns the jewelry company" Damien blinked rapidly.
  • "Yes!" Irish exclaimed in smiles.
  • "Why didn't you start immediately" Arusha said and Irish laughed.
  • "I wanted to but im to resume after going through the little girl's rules booklet"
  • "Rules booklet?" Her mother asked..
  • "Yeah, it's right here in my desk"Irish said reaching out for the book. She , her mother and little brother were on video call.
  • She showed them the little book.
  • "The girl made the rules herself?" Arusha asked.
  • "Of course and the little girl said she wish i won't back off after reading her rules booklet"
  • "Really? Are her rules that hard to keep?" Her mother wondered aloud.
  • "You know that's mean reason I hate Billionare's. They expect everyone to bow at their feet"
  • "They're not bad or rude to me mother,Everyone has rules but you know rich kids rules are far different, they set their rules with some kind of level, but i know i won't find the rules difficult" Irish said.
  • "Does she appear like a spoilt girl?" Arusha asked.
  • "Do you mind lowing your voice? Her room is next to mine!, Not at all, She's so smart and a bit of a talkative, i really like her" Irish smiled.
  • "You like all kids"Arusha stated.
  • "Yes" Irish said.
  • "The workers in the house are quite much but the mansion is wide enough to accommodate hundreds of people.
  • The living room alone is wider than our entire compound" Irish said, chewing on the cheese she got on the way.
  • "Wow!" Arusha said interestingly.
  • "I hope the man was nice to you?" He asked.
  • "Yes he was and i think he's a little creepy" Irish said and they both laughed.
  • "Is his behavior different from other billionares?"Arusha asked, raising a brow up.
  • "Totally! He's humble. Can you believe he told me not to bow to him. Something most wealthy people want"
  • "I knew i didn't made a bad choice in choosing that man as my role model. I admire everything about him and the fact that he's a philanthropist made me admire him more." Arusha said.
  • " know him? How come you know him even after I mentioned just his name"
  • "I'm his fan, I'm following him on Instagram".
  • "But you never told me about him" Irish said.
  • "Really? I do mention him,to mum though" Arusha said.
  • "Ohh" Irish said.
  • "Sis!" Arusha whined.
  • "Bro!" Irish mimicked.
  • "I've really missed you Irish, I never for once expect us to separated for once, I hate dad for this".
  • "Hey Arusha! Don't say that, everything happens for reason. Dad might have his too"
  • "A reason for chasing his only daughter away?"
  • "I'm fine Arusha. See me? Do I look sick?"
  • "No" he pouted.
  • "Then why worry, I'm fine! Where's mum?" She asked.
  • "She was right behind me" Arusha said staring behind him.
  • "I need to go check on her" Irish stood up, sliding his feet into his flip flops.
  • Arusha nodded,"I'll hang up now, call some other times"
  • "Sure"
  • Irish shook her head and muttered 'food monger' under her breath before ending the call and shutting her laptop.
  • Arusha walked into the room after the call had ended, just in time to meet his mother crying.
  • "Mother?" She turned sharply and cleaned her tears smiling.
  • "You okay?"
  • "Yeah, I am.. are you done talking with Irish?" She asked. And Arusha stared at her suspectively.
  • "I have to end the call after I can't find you, we were making the call together, why did you leave? To cry?"
  • "No Arusha, I'm not crying"
  • "I saw you. You thought us not to lie mother, remember that ? You're lying now".
  • The woman sighed. "I missed Irish... Alot"
  • ___
  • "I heard my brother Ethan is back to California,How brave he could be" Tony said lighting the cigarette in his hand.
  • "You mean Ethan is back to California? With my daughter and didn't even inform me to come and visit her?" Catherine yelled.
  • "Yes" Her husband replied, "And he also appointed a new nanny for her, without your permission" he added the last part to make her more aggressive.
  • He had actually seen the news on the webs about his arrival and about his host of a nanny, so he's guessing hemust've appointed a nanny.
  • "How dare him!, Get the cars ready in 5 minutes!" Catherine yelled at the guards as she exist the living room.
  • Tony smiled......
  • __
  • *Don't use swearing words on me*
  • *Don't hit me or yell at me*
  • *Don't touch my hair, only my daddy can*
  • *Don't dress me up always,teach me how to do it myself*
  • *Always read me a bedtime series*
  • Irish continued reading and reading the rules of a six years old child. They were ten rules in total and they didn't seem to be hard to keep.
  • "I wish I've just started immediately" Irish said , then continued reading.
  • *Please be neat, dirty people makes me puke.
  • *You have to be nice, sweet and intelligent.
  • *You must make sure i have my fruits before and after my nap.
  • *You should be able to answer any question i pose.
  • Irish sighed,the rules are quite challenging but it shouldn't be difficult to keep.
  • ___
  • "I heard my brother Ethan is back to California,How brave he could be" Tony said lighting the cigarette in his hand.
  • "You mean Ethan is back to California? With my daughter and didn't even inform me to come and visit her?" Catherine yelled.
  • "Yes" Her husband replied, "And he also appointed a new nanny for her, without your permission" he added the last part to make her more aggressive.
  • He had actually seen the news on the webs about his arrival and about his host of a nanny, so he's guessing he must've appointed a nanny.
  • "How dare him!, Get the cars ready in 5 minutes!" Catherine yelled at the guards as she exist the living room.
  • Tony smiled......