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Chapter 7 Family Meeting

  • Evelyn’s P.O.V.
  • I spent the first night in Zuriel’s room while curling up on the couch, he slept peacefully disregarding another human in his room.
  • “Brad is arrested for leaking out the private information of President Scott. Mom is saying that you should stay at Maeve’s home tonight. Dad is furious.”
  • Like always, mom’s love gave me the courage to initiate this new phase of my life. In the morning, I talked to my bunny when Zuriel was in the bathroom.
  • “Aunt baked muffins today. She has packed them in my lunchbox.”
  • This much-needed face time brimmed my heart with peace. His smile was the only thing that I yearned for in my meaningless life.
  • “My Aunt is the most important person in my life. It’s compulsory for you to respect her during your stay here.”
  • Zuriel instructed me coldly on the way to the dining hall, his stern face was same as five years ago.
  • “Did he have sufficient muscles to smile? Ice face.”
  • After Devil, this nickname was my favorite. The presence of Aunt and Carla at the dining table alerted me.
  • “Good morning, aunt.”
  • Zuriel held his aunt’s hand and kissed its back.
  • “This lady is the ‘Don’ of the Scott’s family.”
  • I noted it in my mind and was about to pull a chair when he grabbed my arm and sat me on his lap.
  • “You are so weak. Eat well, Evelyn.”
  • His soft tone sounded so foreign to my ears; I swallowed a lump in my throat with great difficulty. I had no idea how the girls manage to sit on hero’s thigh in the romance novels, it was super embarrassing to eat while settling my body weight.
  • “Can we talk in private, Zuriel?”
  • Carla played with her fork for a moment and spoke up her mind.
  • “No, we will see each other in the Court.”
  • “I want to apologize for my misconduct, Zuriel. We are cousins and best friends from childhood, can you please forgive me for the sake of mom? She raised you like her own son.”
  • Zuriel fed me a cheese omelet and sipped his coffee.
  • “It’s due to Aunt’s love that I didn’t file a case of fraud. You disgraced me before everyone and still are staying in my house. Take this as my repayment of our childhood.”
  • Aunt observed the aggravating situation and interrupted hurriedly.
  • “I can apologize on Carla’s behalf. She is just twenty-three, please forgive her for her foolishness.”
  • As the conversation was going South, I decided to take immediate action.
  • “I am feeling so dizzy, baby. My head is spinning.”
  • “Excuse me, Aunt. Evelyn needs rest.”
  • In order to make my act more reliable, I placed my head on Zuriel’s shoulder and cried out.
  • “Stay with me, please.”
  • Zuriel locked the door first and then praised my acting.
  • “You are not that bad, Evelyn.”
  • A corner of his lifted in a half smile, it was a miracle that he liked something about me. He started typing a text message, so I peeked at his cellphone.
  • “Getting an urgent date for your case will not work.”
  • He was clearly offended by my frankness, but he suppressed his fury.
  • “Why?”
  • “Divorce and marriage are sensitive topics. With the public hearings, your family’s name will be tarnished. Not to mention your aunt’s misery, have you considered that how sad she will feel after this?”
  • “Carry on!”
  • His permission to proceed with my advice gave me infinite confidence.
  • “I noticed that there were some elders of your family present at Zoe’s birthday. Invite them again and sign a divorce deed in your house.”
  • Zuriel listened to me intently with an expressionless face, then he brought out his wallet and handed me a black card.
  • “This is my diamond card with no limit. You can use it freely. It is not included in your payment.”
  • “Thank you.”
  • My life lit up; I could cover my countless expenses with this card.
  • Working with Zuriel was not bad at all!
  • ...
  • As planned, three elder men came to the mansion at brunch for divorce.
  • Bruce brought an efficient lawyer who received the signed papers from both parties. As an outsider, I was sitting in the corner, examining them closely.
  • “We have come here on your request, Zuriel. What you suffered from is indescribable. We are with you in every decision of your life.”
  • “Thank you, Uncle Allen. You are so kind.”
  • That Uncle Allen eyed another uncle who changed the flow of the discussion.
  • “It’s a blessing that your partner is pregnant with your child. As she is making such a contribution to Scott’s family’s heirloom, we have decided to announce her as your wife.
  • Your heir should be born legally, Zuriel. Otherwise, this society will haunt your son with questions about his paternity.”
  • Uncle Allen pushed a file towards Zuriel, he rubbed his temple nervously.
  • “There is no need, Uncle Ben. We are getting married after the birth of our child.”
  • “You are not getting my point here, my son.”
  • Aunt’s wrinkled face blossomed with endless happiness because of Zuriel’s refusal. Although she was feeling all weak and feeble during her daughter’s divorce.
  • “We have to secure the dignity of brother’s Zack bloodline. Go to the court and obtain a marriage certificate. It is necessary.”
  • “Or you can give us the medical report of Evelyn’s pregnancy. There should be any proof for our extended family.”
  • My heart thumped at the possibility of being stuck in a marriage, but the situation was out of my extraordinary mind. I had read countless romance novels; however, this scenario was not explained in anyone.
  • My panicked gaze met with Zuriel’s determined one, he got up.
  • “You are right, Uncle Allen. We will get marriage today. The official ceremony will be held after the birth of my child.”
  • They all agreed on his proposal, he grasped my arm and took me to his sports car.
  • “To the marriage registry.”
  • Bruce acted upon the command and raced the car to the Court.
  • “I don’t want to marry you.”
  • It was a verbal agreement, that’s why I agreed in the very first place. Now this legal stuff was hinting towards my ultimate doom.
  • “You are going to stay with me for three months. With marriage or without marriage, there is no difference in it. Besides.”
  • Zuriel’s x-ray eyes roamed over my body for a while, he sneered.
  • “You are overestimating your luck. I am certainly not interested in stupid girls like you.”
  • As this was my advice that led the situation to this dead end, I didn’t pursue my case any further. In the office, we signed the documents in sheer silence, the lawyer gave me a red envelope too.
  • “This is your copy of marriage certificate. Keep it safe.”
  • “Eve!”
  • We were leaving the building when someone called me from behind.
  • “You came back? What a pleasant surprise.”
  • Lucas, the top candidate in my dad’s sons-in-law list was excited like a child to see me after one year.
  • “How is everyone at home?”
  • “Everyone’s fine, and you?”
  • After exchanging formal pleasantries, I bid farewell and joined Zuriel in his car.
  • Bruce drove the car silently, Zuriel kept glaring at me for the entire ride.
  • “Now who was he?”
  • “Please drop me at the bus stop.”
  • We both spoke simultaneously; Bruce turned the vehicle after Zuriel’s permission.
  • “My family set up with Lucas for marriage last year. But I don’t like him. Lawyers argue a lot.”
  • The murderous glint in his eyes came back to its indifference, I sighed in relief.
  • “Answer your family and give me a moment of calm too. Your phone is buzzing nonstop.”
  • His deep voice was laced with annoyance. My heart was beating frantically in my chest, I cursed him inwardly.
  • “I do not own a terrorist organization. My foot!
  • I am sure that you must have killed many people with your deadly aura.”