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Chapter 2 Keegan, The Alpha Of The North

  • His name was Keegan - the most powerful Alpha King that ruled the North.
  • Shouldered with the responsibility of leading the largest Wolf Pack ever, Keegan was one of the most feared and respected Alpha alive.
  • The eyes of 'common' people rarely saw him. And those who were opportune to always considered themselves lucky. To some of the wolves, he was a god.
  • He was as charming as you could imagine: His hair was long and gold in color. But most of the time, he had it in two backward braids. He had silver eyes - extremely pretty eyes that could charm their way into the heart of anything.
  • He had the body of a warrior - tall and muscular with scars that spoke of won battles that gave him his name. And when he walked, you could feel the fear from the people around him. At twenty-eight, he had so much to his name.
  • But besides his charms, he was known for his ruthlessness and arrogance.
  • Keegan was a man who derived pleasure in inflicting pain on people - especially those who were in his bad books. Nobody ever wanted to be on their knees before him because it was rare for such a person to leave with their heads.
  • ...
  • He retired to his chambers from the courtroom, expecting to find his woman nestled on his bed. Instead, he found his mother.
  • Alpha Keegan always had that cold, sinister look on - like he was the devil himself.
  • The grand Luna was sitting on his chair but rose to her feet the moment he stepped in.
  • "Finally, you return," she said with relief.
  • The Alpha walked towards his study table. "Where is Odessa?"
  • "Well... she grew tired of waiting and had to attend to some pressing matters. I've actually been here before, but you were hard to reach." Valkyrie replied, her voice tinged with a practiced nonchalance.
  • Keegan said nothing as he took up some scrolls from the table. The grand Luna went closer.
  • "Um... Keegan," she began, a hesitant note creeping into her voice. "The lady is here. I was wondering if you..."
  • Alpha Keegan arched his neck and grunted, a sound that startled even his mother. "You brought her here? I thought I was clear, mother?" He looked at her, his gaze intimidating.
  • Even the queen couldn't help but feel embarrassed that she could sometimes be a little scared of her son.
  • "I… I apologize, Keegan," she stammered. "But that girl has to pay for her father's sins. She is her mother's favorite and should bear the burden. Taking away her dignity… it seemed a fitting punishment."
  • Slowly, she touched his arm. "This is your right, Keegan. Your father himself bestowed this judgment on them before his passing."
  • Keegan flinched at her touch, his arm snapping away like a viper recoiling.
  • The Luna took a deep breath.
  • "Have you considered getting a new mistress that could give you an heir?"
  • "Not another unworthy topic, mother. We're done with this."
  • "But you need an heir! Why can't you realize the gravity of the situation, Keegan? You've been Alpha for five years now. That shameless Morshella and her son might seize this opportunity to get the throne from you. You know what the rules are."
  • "Let them try. I am not acquiring more women who will fail to give me an heir."
  • "Oh. We don't know that for sure. Odessa and Thessaly might be the problem."
  • "Really?" He turned away from the table to face her. "You think it's a coincidence that both women have been unable to take in for me? Sometimes, you speak nonsense, mother."
  • He walked away from her towards his closet. The queen did all she could to gulp down his words. Her son has always been arrogant from birth. Still, she couldn't suppress how worried she was.
  • "I just want what's best for you, Keegan," she ambled towards him. "I'd want nothing more than to die knowing you secured the throne and your father's legacy."
  • Keegan said nothing and didn't even look at her.
  • He went into his closet, leaving her alone in the room.
  • ****†****†****†
  • Sheera had fallen asleep along the line in the room. Well, when she had nothing else to do excect being kept in a room, it was only normal she got bored.
  • She was awakened by the sound of the door abruptly opening. Blinking away the remnants of sleep, she watched a young lady walk in, cloaked in crimson silk that shimmered like spilled wine in the dim light, framed in the doorway, accompanied by a servant.
  • Sheera was perplexed. The lady didn't look familiar, but from the way she appeared, she could be someone important.
  • Odessa walked into the room, scrutinizing Sheera like she was an object. She kept her distance, looking at Sheera with disgust.
  • "Have you no manners?" Her voice, laced with disdain, echoed in the confined space. "Or have you simply not been taught the proper way to greet someone of higher standing?"
  • Sheera grew even more baffled. Slowly, she rose to her feet. "I apologize, but I do not know who you are."
  • A harsh, mocking laugh escaped Odessa's lips, a sound that sent a fresh wave of unease washing over Sheera. "Well," her voice dripped with condescension, "let me enlighten you. I am Mistress Odessa, the Alpha's first and only recognized Mistress and soon-to-be Luna of this Pack."
  • Her face beamed with pride when she finished.
  • Sheera's eyes widened a degree. She was in front of Odessa and had no idea?!
  • Sheera dipped her head immediately. "I... I apologize, Mistress. I completely had no idea it was you. Please, forgive my ignorance."
  • Odessa chuckled and walked around her, her crimson gown swirling around her ankles like a hungry flame.
  • Odessa was a little stunned by the lady's appearance. She had expected her to look like a slave. And yes, she did look poor, but her face was nothing like she had imagined.
  • She had the eyes of a goddess - round, sparkling, with blue balls. There was just something about her eyes that made it difficult to resist. A forget-me-not kind of eyes. Odessa had never seen anyone with such pretty eyes before.
  • Her hair was ebony black, thick and lustrous, and flowed freely on her back. Her face was oval-shaped and seemed so flawless. Skin was just like porcelain.
  • For a moment there, Odessa felt a pang of jealousy. How could anyone be so perfect?
  • Sheera had heard a lot about the Alpha's first Mistress; a lot of people had. She was his favorite and the one person he could do absolutely anything for. Nobody wanted to get on her bad side because she alone had the favor of the Alpha. She was fortunate.
  • Circling her, Odessa stepped away.
  • "So," Odessa finally said, her voice regaining its sharp edge, "I heard you're his new plaything." She paused, a cruel smile playing on her lips. "I suppose I can tolerate that, considering you'll likely be serving him from a kneeling position. However," she leaned in closer, her voice dropping to a low growl, "burn this face into your memory, girl. It is the face that can grant you mercy and the very same face that can bring about your doom."
  • Sheera lifted her gaze to meet hers. Was she threatening her?
  • "I hope your stay here is very, very short. Trust me, it'd be good for you." Odessa added, smirked, and left.
  • Sheera could barely believe her eyes. She heard about the Mistress being cruel and all, but she never expected it to be to that extent. Was her life going to be in danger at the Fortress?
  • ****†****†
  • The following morning, Sheera spent a long time in bed, not knowing what to do.
  • Afterward, she went into the bedroom, freshened up, and found something new to wear. How was she going to get something to eat?
  • It was so difficult being in the middle. She wasn't a slave, wasn't a servant, neither was she royalty. She was just there - stuck in the middle.
  • She decided to take a walk, hoping she'd get lucky along the way.
  • As she walked down the hallway, she gave a thought to her family. How was her mother and sister coping? She's never had to be away from them for so long. They resided there in Howling Ridge Pack. But commoners like them were hardly allowed into the Pack Fortress.
  • Sheera soon got out to the balcony and continued walking down on it. That way, she could easily see the activities taking place down there.
  • The Fortress was extremely large and beautiful. She had been too gloomy to notice the previous day.
  • She took intentional, slow steps just so she could have a proper view of the place. Then, suddenly, she saw him.
  • Sheera came to an abrupt, motionless halt, her heart seeming like it'd split into two. She'd never laid eyes on the Alpha before, but right there, seeing him in all his glory, she could swear it was him. It was impossible to miss.
  • He was riding in with four Keepers trailing behind him, the rhythmic clatter of their horses' hooves sounding through the air. There was a bow in front of him, indicating he had gone hunting.
  • Sheera was left breathless as she watched him. He embodied every rumor she had heard about him - strong and statuesque, with a savaged handsomeness that was unmistakable.
  • Sheera fixed her gaze upon him as if in a trance. Never before has she been so captivated by a man's appearance. He looked almost like a god. She could kiss his feet if he asked her to.
  • Still, at a standstill, she watched as he halted his horse and dismounted it. His Keepers caught up immediately, following after him as he walked away.
  • As he walked by, everyone stopped walking and kept their heads down. Some even went on their knees.
  • He walked with such regal bearing. An aura of greatness enveloped him, akin to that of a demigod walking through the mortal realm for the first time.
  • Sheera was perplexed. Never had she thought a man could look so good. Indeed, she was at a loss for words.
  • "You. Looking for something?" She heard a sonorous male voice in front of her.
  • She shuddered in shock as she took a look and found a strange man before her. He was clad in a trouser and top made from expensive fabric. Sheera could instantly tell he was no common person.