Chapter 28 Forgive Him
- Isabella
- Later in the day, Queen Selena came in with Violet carrying a tray of food. She sat down and stretched her hand and touched my forehead while Violet bowed in rest and started arranging the food tray. I needed to use the restroom but my ankle was broken, when Arden threw me on the floor. It was sealed up with a bandage and I can't really walk on my own, so Violet had to literally carry me to the bathroom. The doctor had explained that there were internal bruises on my ankle and a lot of tissue damage and that it would take a few weeks before it would heal properly.
- Once in the bathroom, I was able to check out the injuries on my face and neck. The reflection in the mirror told me I was a piece of wreck. I have bruises under one of my eyes and I guess it's from the effect of the slap. My eyes were slightly swollen from all the crying and my neck was far worse, a nightmare.