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Chapter 3 Last Sex

  • In Hermes’s chamber, he walked around me like a predator, his devilish gaze ravaging every inch of my body.
  • “You’re so pretty,” he said as he clutched my chin, forcing me to look at him. “Of all the girls I have been with so far, you seem to be the… prettiest.”
  • He turned my face from side to side as I shivered, studying it. With that look on his face, I knew where it was all heading. And it wasn’t good.
  • Removing the robe I had on, he violently massaged my breast, then shoved his filthy hands down inside my skirt to do the same to clit.
  • “My lord please,” I whimpered. “I just returned from the hospital. I’m not strong enough for this…maybe another time…please”
  • He looked at him, provoked like an enraged beast and I squeezed my eyes shut, wishing I hadn’t said that.
  • “This is my last sex with you, princess. I need to make the most out of it. Like always, you don’t have to put in any effort. I’m the one doing all the fucking, aren’t I? All you have to do is lay pretty, spread those supple thighs and enjoy my cock like the good girl that you are.”
  • Last sex…? That was the reason he had the maids fix me up and dress me in these tiny pieces. Does that mean he’ll finally let me go after all these months of being locked up in here? My heart skipped a notch at the thought of that. For every day that passed, I never stopped longing for my freedom. But I couldn’t be so sure he’d let me go. Maybe he was lying to get me to open up to him. This man was a lying psychotic brute. He can never be trusted!
  • I tried to beg some more for him to let me go, but he turned deaf to my pleas. When he felt he couldn’t get enough of me, he tore off the tiny pieces I had on, jacked me up and balanced me on his shoulder, spanking my bare butt as he marched to his bed. I tried hitting his back, but he didn’t feel a thing. His back was thick like his muscles were made of metal.
  • “My lord, please stop,” I cried as he plonked me on the bed.
  • I wobbled back toward the headboard of the bed, shivering with fear. In a matter of seconds, he already stripped, his hard-on ready to defile me, dangling with each movement he made. The bed dipped as he mounted but I continued flinching back, curling myself away from him like a scared kitten.
  • “Princess?” he pronounced. “Let’s get on with this, don’t stress me this morning. I have a very important meeting coming soon.” His lips folded in annoyance.
  • Seeing how persistent I was, he rushed and overpowered me. I screamed and tried beating him off but he was too strong for me.
  • Jerking my knees, he spread my thighs so wide I thought I heard my pelvic muscles snap. He slid in and fucked me so hard, like never before. I faded into oblivion, begging for death to come already.
  • ****
  • My heavy eyes slowly opened, and I was a bit surprised to find myself alive again. My head throbbed, and everything around me seemed to spin. I clutched my head and winced, and it took some time before my vision cleared.
  • Bits and pieces of everything that happened replayed in my mind as I spotted Hermes. He stood by the doorway in his light-coloured satin robe. It seemed like he was instructing his guards.
  • I sat up at the edge of the bed, taking a moment to inspect my body. I was still naked, and there were pink marks on parts of my thighs and chest. My hole felt like it was recovering from a severe burn injury.
  • Before I could stand, he pulled the door wide open and the guards marched in. As quickly as I could, I grabbed the duvet and wrapped it around me, covering my dignity. I rather spend the whole day locked up in the basement than be naked amid his guards again.
  • They seized my arms, the duvet falling off and draping onto the floor. I hated myself for standing naked amongst them and it was all Hermes’s fault. The guards were like programmed robots, just clutching my arms, and standing still with expressionless faces. They dared not find desire in my rawness or else Hermes would pluck out their eyeballs like he said. And I know he’ll do it. I have seen him do worse – like the time he killed one of his guards by stabbing him in his private area after he permitted him to have his way with me. That was the most gruesome and dreadful scene I have witnessed in my life.
  • “What is this?” I asked feebly.
  • He approached me, gently tucking my strands behind my ears and cupping my cheeks, making me face him as if I were a child. His golden brown eyes held everything I despised in a person. It was hard to believe I fell for them back at the jewellery store.
  • “You have done nothing wrong, princess,” he said. “You’re so beautiful,” he released his palms from my cheeks and my face slacked. His fingers travelled down to my puffs and he gave my nipples a hard pinch. I recoiled in response but the guards held me still.
  • “My time with you has expired,” he said after much focus on me, but mostly on my puffs. “I need to make money and also go out there and find another pretty girl like you…or one even prettier if I’m lucky.”
  • He kept calm afterwards, expecting to hear my voice but was disappointed. I was too weak and broken to talk and even if I did, it’ll eventually fall on deaf ears. The man standing before me was a wild, eccentric boar. If only I had known before I followed him, I wouldn’t have been facing all his ill treatments but he was the Alpha king of our kingdom. And I thought he would make me his Luna. I thought his feelings for me were genuine.
  • “Guards! Take her away,” he commanded with a fling of an arm.
  • “My lord please don’t do this!” I screamed. “Where are you taking me?”
  • I tried persisting but they were too strong, dragging me along like I was some children’s toy.
  • “You’ll find out soon enough,” he smirked a sly. “Your beauty will fetch me a lot of money.”
  • The guards hauled me to the door and my heart raced in my chest, trying to make meaning of what he just said.
  • Chapte 4 The Auction
  • The more I struggled, the more their tight grip scraped against my flesh, making it red hot with pain. They dragged me as we descended the stairs to an underground part of the castle I never knew existed. Where could they be taking me?
  • “Where are you taking me?” I forced words from my bared teeth and they ignored as though I didn’t talk.
  • I continued screaming, perhaps someone might come to my rescue but then I remembered it was all pointless. Who would go against Hermes’s wishes and commands in his castle? All the screams I voiced. All the shrills which were loud enough to crack the walls of the entire castle when he defiled and punished me fell on deaf ears.
  • We took a turn and stopped by a door with a small screen glued to the side. One of the guards crouched and looked into it as light rays scanned his eyeballs. The door squeaked and clicked open.
  • They dragged me into the room and a rush of cold air swept past me, prickling my pale bare skin. It looked like a conference hall. Plush chairs were arranged serially on top of each step and the walls were thick with heavy metallic cotton draped almost all over. Judging from the thick walls, the heavy cotton, and the lack of windows, one could tell the room was soundproof.
  • We took the backstage and what I saw left my jaw dropping in extreme shock. There were rather beautiful girls, all bare like me, numbering more than ten. Looking closely, their bodies were adorned with scars and bruises and whiplashes just like mine, and dirt was splattered all over their skins along with their thick, tangled hairs that haven’t been cut, fixed, or brushed for quite a long time.
  • They all stopped what they were doing and looked in my direction the moment the guards hauled me in. Two fierce-looking brawny brutes stood guard there. One held a whip and the other a baton.
  • Hermes had always mentioned about been with girls before me, but he never told me about having an underground room where he held them captive. He was a kidnapper of women and I never knew all this while.
  • Oh goodness.
  • My eyes momentarily squeezed shut as the guards handed me over to the brutes standing guard. They jerked their heads and pursed an evil smirk on their faces as they accepted me.
  • The brutes lurked around like hounds ready to savage their prey. Anyone who shed a tear, talked, or did something they didn’t like was landed with a slash ferocious enough to tear the skin open.
  • Minutes passed and hours crossed of sitting with my head bowed low in silence. A click on the door raised my head. Hermes swaggered in, cladded in an expensive maroon tux and black velvet loafers. The look on his face was like that of a child who just came across an ice cream fountain.
  • “Ok girls,” he addressed, pursing his devilish smirk. “Your tenures as my sex slaves is over. Now I need you all to behave. My Alpha kings will be arriving in no time, so do me good, make me some good money, and get the hell out of this place! A new life awaits you all.”
  • He left as quickly as he came. I sat back and let my mind wander. The conference hall, all the girls, Alpha kings, money. Everything was pointing to an auction, he’ll be making money from us. How disgusting of him! That was the worst thing an Alpha king could do.
  • In no distant time, I heard the clicking of doors and the chattering of masculine voices. They were here and it was time.
  • We were arranged in a single file and took turns entering the stage. I was expecting them to give us a piece of clothing to cover up but was shocked to realize we were entering the stage as bare as a hornet’s cell.
  • One particular girl ran back, shedding uncontrollable tears like a just widowed lady. It turned out she wasn’t picked. But she was pretty to me with her waist-length snowy hair and almost perfect bone structures. How I pitied her. Who knew what Hermes or those brutes will do to her?
  • It was my turn. One of the brutes jerked his head, motioning me to head out. I swallowed a lump as mounted the podium at the centre of the stage. That was the worst moment in my life and I wished the ground will open and swallow me in.
  • “Raise her head!” a voice seared from the crowd.
  • The auctioneer held my chin up. I wanted to persist but the moment I remembered Hermes and those brutes backstage, I had no other choice but to let him.
  • Before me was a room filled with wealthy, powerful, heavily-scented Alpha kings who were nothing short of Hermes’s replicas. It puzzled me to know they were in full support of this madness.
  • The room was airy and cold but I found it hard to breathe. Their expensive perfumes coupled with their strong Alpha scents which clashed and mingled in my nose only made it harder for me to breathe. As I looked at the judgmental and leering faces before me, air rushed out quickly from my nostrils and I felt my lungs gasping for air that eluded it.
  • “Going for $200,000?” The auctioneer asked, peering around the crowd in search of a beginning bidder.
  • “$200,000,” a man raised his hand and stood as the crowd gasped in somewhat shock. Some sitting in front turned to look at him with their brows shot up in somewhat surprise.
  • My eyes twitched a bit when they meant his. Something about him threw me off balance. Unlike the Hermes’s replicas judging and leering before me, he seemed entirely different in his creamy black designer suit and well-composed demeanour. But I couldn’t be so sure. Looks can be deceiving. And that was what Hermes used to lure me.
  • “$500,000” another stood, buttoning his suit and giving the devilish look Hermes always gave me when he was about to do something to me.
  • “$600,000!” A stocky fellow yelled from behind.
  • “I’m going for $800,000!” the first man countered and I heard the others gasp and growl.
  • “$1M,” the second was adamant. The third had given up and was seated already.
  • “$5M dollars,” the first drawled and continued staring at me as though to see through me. But I tried avoiding his gaze at all costs.
  • The second growled and sat down, unfastening the suit he previously buttoned when he stood.
  • “Going for $5M dollars then,” the auctioneer looked around one last time for any objections but couldn’t find any. He banged the gavel against the wooden block and that ended my auction.
  • I slowly regained my breath as I was guarded down the stage by two broad men in black spectacles. One handed me a blanket and I quickly wrapped it around my body.
  • I was guarded to the door which clicked open as one of the guards who brought me into the hall crouched by the small screen. I sniffled a sob and made my way out, cursing the day I set foot into this castle and at the same time, hoping that whatever place am heading to won’t be as bad as it or worse than it.