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Chapter 6 The Confession

  • Daniel's POV
  • "We should have a break, sir."
  • We were sitting in the car's back seat. The soft foam in the backseat felt good against my back. I gave my neck a massage while I closed my eyes.
  • "How about we go straight to the spa right now, sir?" Kim asked me.
  • "I like doing something that will make me feel better," I said, smiling.
  • "What, sir? I could go there. I, too, want to get rid of my tiredness."
  • "You won't make me feel better. You'll make it worse. It would be better to go to a spa or go home to rest." I said.
  • "Haist, your downer, sir. Is that how old people are?" Kim whispered, but I heard it.
  • I'm not in the mood to argue with her. Instead, I closed my eyes to sleep for at least a little while during the trip.
  • Flashback
  • Four years ago
  • "Let go of me."
  • When we got home from the prom night, Russell ignored me as if I didn't exist. After Ryker went inside the house, I immediately grabbed Russell's wrist. She stopped and looked at me with a face full of disappointment and annoyance. Instead of letting go of Russel's wrist, I pulled her closer to me. Her body bounced slightly on me as she clung to my shoulder.
  • "I know what I did upset you, but I will not let you insult me like this. I'm older than you." I told her. I was frustrated.
  • "That's it, you're older than me, and you have no right to tell me what to do. You don't know anything about my generation, so don't come between me and what I'm doing. You'll outdo my brother if you're strict with me. It's frustrating!" Russell told me in an annoyed tone.
  • I inhaled deeply. I clenched my teeth to stop myself from getting mad at this girl. I don't understand why she is the only woman I have ever let treat me like this. I'm not like this with other women or people, but when it comes to Russell, I'm like a dog with a wagging tail who can't complain.
  • "I don't care if you get tired of me for the rest of your life because no matter what you do, I will be a part of your life... maybe even for life," I said, smiling.
  • "What? You're insane. What do you mean by what you said, huh? Are you going to keep an eye on me until you die?"
  • "Maybe even after I die, I'll still watch over you," I said, making her mad even more. "But I won't let myself die immediately because I don't want you to feel sad and miss me."
  • "Why the hell should I be sad? As if I cared about you..."
  • Russell said a lot more, but I didn't understand everything because I was too busy watching Russell's lips move. My blood starts pumping when I think about some other guy kissing her lips. I would have done it if I could erase that man's kiss from Russell's lips. I will ensure she can't remember her first kiss, and I will be the only man she will look for. But damn! She is only fifteen, and I can't do anything to make her mine. With so many girls I could like, why would I want a minor?
  • "Let me go!" Russell pushed me away because he was annoyed, and I let her go.
  • "You guys? What're you doing here?"
  • I looked at Auntie, who then walked out the door. Russel was upset, so she turned her back on me and sprinted into the house. Auntie was looking at her, and I went up to Auntie.
  • "Can I talk to you, Auntie?"
  • Auntie turned toward me. "Sure. What's it about?"
  • "About Russel."
  • Auntie frowned, and I smiled a bit.
  • End of Flashback
  • "Sir, we're here. Wake up! Sir..."
  • When I first opened my eyes, Kim's face was the first thing I saw. She was smiling at me, and I was surprised that her face was close to mine. As soon as I opened my eyes, she turned away from me.
  • "Sir, what are you doing? You really surprised me." Kim said, and then started to get out of the car.
  • I turned around outside of the window. We were at the station, and I got off the car right away. I went straight to my car. I pulled out my phone and immediately called Ryker.
  • "Hey, man, are you at work?" I asked him as soon as he answered my call.
  • After getting in, I didn't waste time and turned on the ignition key.
  • "I'll visit you there..." I said my piece and then hung up.
  • ———
  • But before I went straight to Ryker's office, I went straight to the university where Russell was studying. I also went to that school to get into the university. Also, Ryker's ex-girlfriend is a professor there.
  • Alice and I stood on the other side of the building while I watched Russel stand outside the classroom and laugh with her classmates.
  • "Tell me, Daniel, do you have stupid plans for Ryker's sister?" Alice asked me this while folding her arms and staring at me like a pervert peeping on a minor.
  • "Stop staring at me like a pervert because if I am, you are the first person I will look at." I quickly looked at what Alice was wearing and noticed her formal clothes were too sexy. "But I don't want to cause Ryker any trouble, so..."
  • "Ryker? That means you both continue to be womanizers, and the woman you're interested in is Ryker's younger sister."
  • I put the binoculars in my pocket and turned toward Alice. "She's not quite ready yet, so I'll wait..."
  • "Holy crap, you're nuts!" Alice's voice got louder, but she realized what she had done and covered her mouth with her hand. At the same time, she pushed my shoulder with her free hand.
  • Instead of being annoyed, I just laughed at how he reacted. "You haven't changed. You are still a pervert. Ryker probably still acts like that."
  • "I'm going." I then tapped Alice on the shoulder and started walking. She followed me right away.
  • "Aren't you going to invite me out for a cup of coffee?" Alice asked as we went down the stairs together.
  • Some female students greeted me, and I smiled and waved. Alice looked disapprovingly at what I was doing.
  • "Haist, I can charge you with child abuse or violence against women because of what you are doing."
  • "I'm just being nice, Alice," I said. When we descended the stairs and reached the parking lot, Alice and I both stopped. "If you're not doing anything, we can have a cup of coffee. Would you like to come?"
  • "Really?" Alice said, smiling.
  • "Yes, Ryker and I will meet at a bar after. What? Will you come?"
  • "Ryker. Do you want me to come with you and see Ryker?"
  • "Yeah. Maybe you both have moved on after a few years, right?" I gave Alice a wink.
  • "I've moved on, but I don't know what to do if I run into him again. I know he will drool at me again like a mad dog."
  • I laughed at what Alice said because I knew Ryker and knew that what she said might come true. When Alice ended their relationship, she broke Ryker's heart big time.
  • "I'll leave then," I said as I got into the car. I open the window. "You shouldn't wear too sexy of clothes to school. The other students might drool, and you'll miss your ex like a mad dog."
  • "Haist," Alice said. She was going to pull my hair, but I quickly shut the car window and chuckled.
  • "Bye!" I gave her a wave.
  • I didn't give any thought to her obviously frowning face. I drove the car while smiling. Later, the phone rang. Ryker was on the other end of the line.
  • "Dude, where have you been?" Ryker asked me.
  • "I'm on my way, and I'm sure you'll be happy with what I'm going to say."
  • "Really? Be quick." Ryker said in the other line. "I want to know what's that gossip of yours."
  • I didn't say anything; instead, I hung up the phone and smiled.