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Chapter 7

  • Third Person's Pov
  • Detective Belmont pulled out a chair and sat down. Sin Cruorem watched him solely with a mischievous grin plastered on his face.
  • With the handcuffs and leather restraints, there's no way Sin can free himself and escape.
  • "I heard that Doctor Belmont went crazy and attacked your Supervisor, Detective," Sin told Detective Belmont, which earned a sharped glare from the Detective that Sin didn't mind at all. Sin was enjoying messing up with the Detective, pissing him off, and playing with his mind.
  • Detective Belmont clenched his fist, which widened Sin's grin.
  • "Where is my daughter?" Sin's infamous laugh roared in the corners of the interrogation room. Sin shook his head and smiled widely as he met Detective Belmont's gaze.
  • "How will I know? I'm locked up here, aren't I?" He muttered.
  • Detective Belmont stood up and grabbed Sin by the collar of his shirt.
  • "If something bad happens to my daughter, I will kill you!" Detective Belmont's threat made Crimson laugh again.
  • Sin started acting scared and fragile.
  • "Don't kill me. I'll be good," Sin pleaded.
  • Detective Belmont's hands were still shaking when he let go of Sin.
  • Sin's laughter filled the room. Seeing the detective frustrated gave him happiness.
  • "The devil was once an angel, they said. Do you believe that, Detective?" Sin asked Detective Belmont meaningfully, but Isaiah Belmont chose to ignore him and walked past Sin.
  • "Everything is ready, Detective. The roads have been secured, and we have also deployed snipers for extra security in case the Miscreant Mafias show up to rescue their Boss," Agent Enrile said as Detective Belmont came out from the interrogation room.
  • "Tell them we're leaving." His agent immediately obeyed Detective Belmont's words. Detective Belmont fished his phone from his pocket and tried to contact his daughter again, but he still couldn't get through to her.
  • Detective Belmont breathed profoundly and sighed frustratedly.
  • "Thaleia, please. Just show up to me, and we will fix this, my child," Detective Belmont whispered.
  • The whole area was guarded as Sin was taken out of the NBI's headquarters.
  • Sin closed his eyes as the sunlight hit his face. He opened his eyes again and smiled when he saw Isaiah standing in front of a van.
  • Sin's hands were handcuffed, and there was a restraint on his upper body. With every step Sin took, the guns were aimed at him.
  • "Hello there, Detective."
  • Agent Enrile guided Sin inside of the van. Detective Belmont followed them afterward.
  • "We're going on a trip," Sin mumbled and flashed an annoying smile that the Detective ignored, but Sin found another way to tease him.
  • "Can we have an ice cream later, Daddy? I'll be good." He yelled out and suppressed a smile. Isaiah avoided looking at Sin, knowing what Sin's intent was with these antics.
  • They were silent for a while until the van started to move, and Sin began singing.
  • "We're going on a trip with my favorite Detective, going to the court—" Sin smiled and closed his mouth as Detective Belmont cracked his gun.
  • "Alright, I'll stop. I'll be good," Sin muttered and smiled as he looked at Detective Belmont earnestly.
  • *****
  • "On March 9, 2018." Sin raised his handcuffed hands in the air, causing the prosecutor to stop speaking.
  • "I honestly have nothing to say, your honor." Sin said to the judge with a smile.
  • "This whole thing is damn boring and a waste of my time. Put me in jail instead," Sin suggested and was about to stand up when the police officer pointed a gun at him.
  • "Order in the court! Order in the court!" said the judge.
  • Sin sat down again and shrugged. He smiled and turned to the people who were also looking at him thoughtfully.
  • "I also have an order to make, your honor... Everyone's death," Sin muttered and stared at the judge intently once more. This time, Isaiah stood up and approached Sin, who smiled wider, seeing him.
  • "I'm sorry, it's the voices that said that," Sin said.
  • "But I mean it tho, everyone here will die... today," Sin added with a serious voice.
  • Isaiah slowly looked at the people inside the courtroom watching the trial, like he knew what would happen next. Isaiah tried to command his men to aim for the audience's heads and kill them, but it was too late.
  • The people in the audience were ahead of the agents and officers. They quickly fired their guns. Detective Belmont didn't know how they managed to get inside, but Detective Belmont's eyes caught the police officers guarding the door who were doing nothing to help their colleagues from the indiscriminate shooting
  • "Fuck it!" Detective Belmont curses. Aiming for their heads, everyone that Detective Belmont shoots dies instantly.
  • "Create a diversion. That's the first thing you need to do to weaken your enemy." Detective Belmont heard Sin, but he doesn't have the time to spare to listen to Sin.
  • Detective Belmont needs to kill all the members of the Miscreant Mafia inside the courtroom room, even though he is still puzzled about how they got inside.
  • Detective Belmont crouched and was forced to hide after he ran out of ammunition. Detective Belmont heard screams along with the sound of guns being fired. Detective Belmont closed his eyes after he saw the judge's bloodied and lifeless body.
  • Detective Belmont started blaming himself for being reckless. He lost it in his mind that Sin's group could very well come up with a spotless plan and that Sin wasn't the only head of the group; there were tons of them.
  • There was silence for a moment when the double doors of the courtroom opened.
  • Detective Belmont peeked, and there he saw his daughter.
  • She is wearing a glittery, violet wrap-up dress, knee-length silver boots, and her new hairstyle. Artemis Thaleia, his daughter, walked in with her head held up high.
  • Sin's right-hand man, Lorcan, and the remaining mafia bosses from the Miscreant joined Thaleia in her entrance. Thaleia was holding a black fur coat when she strides her way towards Sin.
  • Detective Belmont can't explain the shock he felt when Thaleia removed Sin's handcuffs and his leather restraint.
  • Sin stood up and then tore off his orange shirt before he took the coat from Thaleia.
  • "Good job, mi amore," Sin murmured before he pulled her for a steamy kiss. Leaving Isaiah gone for words.