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Chapter 34 Jumping To Conclusions

  • (Rachael)
  • Before we knew it, time flew by rather quickly, and now we were all back at work. I was still exhausted because of the partying that I did and because of my birthday. I did enjoy myself very much. I had gotten so many presents that it took a while for me to sort them out. Xander also gave me a pair of diamond earrings that his father bought for me, knowing that my birthday was coming up. I tried to argue my way out of not accepting it, but Xander had to play the guilt card about his father being sick, so I had no other choice but to accept it.
  • I laughed when I remembered karaoke night, Emily was the first one on stage and when it was my turn I decided to sing because you loved me by Celine Dion, to say they were shocked was an understatement. No one knew that I could sing because I kept it to myself, so when they heard my voice, they were surprised. Michael recorded me and shared it on his Facebook page. I didn't even know how many views it had gotten so far because I could care less.
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