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Chapter 19 Electric Blue Eyes Staring Straight Into Her Soul

  • Another day has come. Luna arrived early at the company and Jack himself gave her a brief talk about what each floor has and which of them she's not supposed to go to. He then led Luna to a room full of interns like her on the first floor, showed her the desk where she was stationed, and left her a thick bundle of paper.
  • "I'm really glad you arrived way much earlier. Code Red has a schedule today and I have to go. Read these documents and you'll know what to do," Jack explained in a hurry. Aside from the stack of papers, he also brought a thick book out of his bag.
  • "This is the employees' guidebook. The organization chart, rules and regulations, direction around the company, where things are, your rights, what is expected of you- everything is in there. If you have any questions, call or text me. Never ask your fellow interns. You know what that means, right?"
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