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Chapter 3 Hazardous Conflicts

  • Brett couldn't sleep as he rolled on the bed thinking of all the pain Lovelyn had been through. He couldn't bear seeing her in so much pain. They had made two attempts! Two attempts for surrogates but none was working. Luckily, he was able to talk her to sleep that night and calm her frisky mind, but how long could he do that? How long could he endure seeing this pain in her eyes? His mother was already on his neck. She had begun to send him pictures of ladies asking him to choose which one he liked.
  • "We gave you one job, Doctor Doris!” Brett scolded Doctor Doris as he barged into her office, forcefully opening her door. The creaking sound of the door alerted her immediately, and she instantly stood up.
  • "Calm down," she tried to calm him.
  • “No! You should be the one to calm down and listen to me! You do not seem to understand the pain my family goes through every time because of your false hopes! My marriage is about to be pulled apart! My wife cries every night before sleeping! What am I supposed to do? Just watch her? My father called you worthy! He called you competent! We paid you a huge amount of money for this! Why isn’t anything you are doing working?”
  • “We have someone," She eventually said, having no strength to argue with him. His anger subsided.
  • “There is someone?” He asked. “Why didn’t you tell me before?”
  • “We had a third girl, but we weren’t ready to tell you yet. We were scared things would end up like the other two ladies if we did not watch her closely. We had to be more careful this time and avoid giving you false hopes.” Doctor Doris explained.
  • “So how did it go?” He questioned. “Did it work?”
  • She nodded. Brett sunk into the chair with a sense of fulfillment. It is all over now! He doesn’t have to worry about Lovelyn's mental health anymore.
  • “Link me with this lady! My wife and I need to see her and thank her for volunteering,” Brett suggested immediately.
  • “I will arrange everything. Do not think too much about it. She is a hundred percent in support of this surrogacy and is willing to carry your child for you. She might have some conditions for you though, but aside from that, it is all good.” Doctor Doris explained.
  • Brett nodded and picked up his phone to call Lovelyn.
  • “My wife will be so happy to hear this! Do well to link us with the lady by this weekend. We cannot wait to see our future child.”
  • Doris nodded with an understanding state. As soon as he was gone, she picked up her phone to call Naya.
  • Naya was on her shift at the gas station, counting the coins in her cash register. As soon as she received the call from the doctor, she excused herself and begged her assistant to fill in for her.
  • “I will collect half of your pay!” the assistant warned.
  • “No you won’t!” Naya frowned at her before focusing on the call. “Yes, Doctor Doris.”
  • “Have you thought of my offer yet?” Doctor Doris asked.
  • “I am still thinking about it,” Naya said with a soft tone.
  • “Her husband just left my office right now,” Doctor Doris told her of Brett. “As soon as I told him about you, he got very excited. His wife has been depressed for a very long time. Naya, you could be the only source of joy for this family,”
  • Naya was silent now. She took a cup and poured herself some water to drink.
  • “Meet them this weekend, Naya. You will be giving your child a better future, I promise.”
  • Naya drank the cup of water and thanked Doctor
  • Doris for the information.
  • “Where can I get mango ice cream?” She asked her colleague, who gave her a strange look.
  • “Mango what?” The lady was surprised.
  • “Forget it,” Naya brushed it off. “I think I am craving peanut butter and pickles instead.”
  • Her assistant was completely speechless. When she managed to speak, she drew herself away from her.
  • “I think you should see a doctor,” she suggested.
  • “I just spoke to one,” Naya said.
  • “Fire her and see another one.”
  • ***
  • That weekend, Naya sat in the restaurant ready to see this couple who wanted her baby; a baby they thought was theirs. Sha cleared her conscience of the thought and cleared her throat. It was a crazy world they lived in, so the best thing they could do is to go with the flow. A beautiful lady in a long lilac gown walked to her, dangling her handbag. She looked Asian and Naya could tell that she had a very beautiful aura.
  • “Naya Aurora?” The lady asked to stretch her hand for a handshake.
  • “Yes, yes…hmm…that’s me…” Naya wasn’t sure why she was so anxious. The lady was very nice. Who in this world would deceive a sweet lady like this?
  • “Doctor Doris told me so much about you. You work 8 to 4 and barely have time for yourself. I am so sorry to know this,” Lovelyn apologized.
  • “My name is Lovelyn Hazard and since you have my child, I will make sure you don’t have to work a day in your life. My husband and I will take care of you and give you everything you want until the child is born.”
  • “Yes your child,” Naya said with an awkward look. She gazed around and realized she had caught no sight of her husband. “Where is your husband?”
  • “He will be here soon. I am sure he is around here somewhere,” she said in a smile.
  • Naya nodded and took the menu. The prices of the meals on the menu were expensive. She immediately dropped it back on the table.
  • “Are you not ordering?” Lovelyn asked. “You can order anything you want. I will pay for it."
  • “No thanks,” Naya refused. “That’s so nice of you.”
  • “Please, do not refuse me,” Lovelyn was getting mad. “Order whatever you want, or I can pick for you.”
  • “That will be great,” Naya allowed her to have the upper hand.
  • “Alright then!” Lovelyn cheered and called a waiter over. She ordered some chicken soup and some chocolate pudding. “I hope you do not mind chocolate. I love chocolate.”
  • Naya shook her head and watched the waiter leave to get the order.
  • “You do not know how much this child means to me…” Lovelyn sounded dramatic. Naya felt uncomfortable and stood up as she picked up her purse.
  • “I need to use the restroom,” she excused herself before leaving. She hurried into the restroom and shut the door behind her.
  • “Calm down, Naya. They will not know the difference. It’s their child! They already made up their mind about that.” She calmed herself down, and washed her hands before walking out of the restroom. As she stepped out of the door, she bumped into a man who seemed to be engrossed in a call. He caught sight of her and apologized immediately. As soon as she caught sight of him, her heart sank, realizing she had seen him somewhere before. But where? He looked strikingly familiar.
  • “Brett,” he stretched out his hand for a handshake. She stared at both himself and his hanging hand, before walking out on him without shaking him back. She felt deep anger towards him and she couldn’t tell why.
  • When she arrived back to Lovelyn, she sat before her and began her meal.
  • “Did you go to college?” Lovelyn began her questions.
  • “My mother couldn’t afford my college fee, so I dropped out,” Naya explained.
  • “That’s sad,” Lovelyn sympathized. “This must be hard for you.”
  • Naya wasn’t sure why she would think that. Things weren't hard for her since she had a job. She already had plans. At least, she is able to feed herself and her mother.
  • “Hey!” A deep voice said beside them. They both looked to the right and saw the exact man she had seen earlier, approaching Lovelyn for a hug. They exchanged a kiss and sat before her. As soon as he caught sight of her, he smiled.
  • “I guess we will meet again,” he told her with a smile. Naya couldn’t believe what was happening. This man again?! She dropped her spoon in disappointment.