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Chapter 3

  • I contemplated excuses to avoid it, but my mother's glaring look stopped me.
  • Facing Aiden, he drew near, tilted my face up, and approached for a kiss.
  • His lips met mine, eliciting a soft sound from me.
  • His flavor was unlike anything I'd experienced, even with Derrick. Or perhaps I was overstating.
  • As his arms encircled me and our lips remained joined, the clapping reminded me it was time to stop.
  • The last thing I wanted was my image plastered across magazines and the internet, kissing Aiden Evans.
  • "That's enough," I declared, pulling away from his firm hold as he smirked.
  • One of the guests congratulated us, "You both are wonderful."
  • I managed to reply a polite "Thank you," noticing Aiden's preoccupation with his phone.
  • "Congratulations," his mother, a dignified woman in her fifties, added. "Thanks, mom," he responded curtly.
  • The pretense of it all threatened to overwhelm me, and I needed to escape before I succumbed to it.
  • "I'll return shortly," I informed Aiden and his mother, who were deep in conversation, as I hurried to my room.
  • My mother's footsteps followed, but I didn't pause.
  • Collapsing on the bed, tears flowed as she entered.
  • "You nearly frightened everyone with your silence," she scolded, aggravating my frustration.
  • "It's always about others' opinions, never my feelings," I cried out.
  • "Selena, tears change nothing. What's done is done," she stated coldly. "And pack your bags; you're leaving with Aiden tonight," she added before leaving me alone with my sorrow.
  • With reluctance, I began packing, dreading the six months ahead with a man for whom I felt nothing.
  • Derrick's reaction will surely be one of anger when he hears about it. Facing him seems like an insurmountable task.
  • As I was securing my luggage, a faint tap at the window caught my attention.
  • There's only one person who uses that route to slip into my room.
  • Approaching the window, it opened to reveal Derrick.
  • He's the one whose mere presence accelerates my pulse.
  • "Surprise!" he exclaimed, leaping in with a bouquet he'd been concealing.
  • "Derrick. Why are you here?" I inquired.
  • His smile waned.
  • "Darling, the real question is why you've been ignoring my calls," he retorted.
  • I hoped that was all he noticed. I avoided his gaze as he stepped closer.
  • "And why are you adorned in a bridal gown?" he inquired, his words making me wish for the earth to swallow me whole.
  • "Answer me!" he demanded, his tone reaching a volume I never thought possible.
  • As I retreated, shaking, he seized my hands from behind.
  • "Derrick, release me. Let me go," I implored, withdrawing my hand from his hold.
  • "Forgive me, my dear. Can you explain why you're wearing that gown?" he inquired, worriness in his words.
  • How should I begin to explain? What should I say first? These thoughts whirled in my head.
  • “Selena, please, utter a word. Say anything," he pleaded.
  • "I married Aiden Evans," I confessed, no longer able to keep it a secret. It was over. Despite the pain, I owed him the truth.
  • "No! You must be kidding, aren't you? You're—you're—"
  • "I'm speaking the truth," I interjected, looking him in the eye.
  • "This can't be real, Selena. Not today," he protested, and only then did I notice the ring box he clutched in his hands.
  • "I intended to ask for your hand in marriage today, my love. How could you do this?" he lamented.
  • His sorrowful expression moved me.
  • Deep down, I wished to reveal the sham and our eventual reunion after six months, but the backstory of the marriage had to remain hidden.
  • "Who forced you into this?" he probed, drawing nearer as tears streamed down my face and he clasped my hands.
  • "I...I never felt love for you," I declared, striving for believability in my admission, but he just shook his head, unconvinced.
  • "Really? You expect me to accept that tale?" Derrick challenged, skeptical, but I persisted.
  • "Whether you accept it or not, my feelings for you were never sincere. It was merely a casual affair," I claimed, releasing his hands.
  • "You're a terrible liar. Gabriella, your sister, was supposed to marry that man. How did you end up in her place?" he confronted me.
  • His anger was unsettling, but I had to come to terms with my situation.
  • "Derrick, that's not your concern. Please, leave me be," I implored, overwhelmed by the strain.
  • As I faced away, his firm hold encircled my waist. "Let's escape together. Let's just flee from all this," Derrick murmured in my ear.
  • My body yearned to agree, but the thought of my father compelled my heart to refuse.
  • Turning towards him, he gently lifted my face, his eyes brimming with emotion, and was about to kiss me when the door burst open, followed by a voice.
  • "What are you doing here?" my mother demanded, causing us to separate instantly.
  • I signaled to my mother to keep silent about the situation, and she gave a subtle nod of understanding.
  • "I've come to marry your daughter," Derrick declared boldly, grasping my hands.
  • "How audacious!" my mother exclaimed, her smile tinged with mischief. Approaching us, she forcefully separated his hand from mine.
  • "My daughter is already wed, and we have no need for you in her life. Leave immediately," my mother commanded, her voice booming.
  • "You orchestrated this, didn't you?" Derrick accused, prompting my mother to tighten her jaw.
  • "You're the mastermind behind this, right?" he pressed.
  • "Derrick, I won't tolerate baseless accusations against my mother. Kindly depart," I said, maintaining courtesy.
  • Though I was aware of my mother's influence on my choices, I refused to let anyone address her disrespectfully.
  • "You'll regret this immensely, I assure you," he warned.
  • "Please, just go!" I urged, my voice quivering as I watched Derrick make his exit through the window.
  • A piece of me seemed to vanish with Derrick's departure.
  • Derrick's warning reverberated: "You'll regret this immensely." Perhaps he was right. Perhaps duty would eclipse desire.
  • Yet, as the man I had once dreamed of slipped away, I wondered: could I rewrite my fate, or was it already etched in indelible ink, binding me to a stranger's embrace?