Chapter 17
- Joshua and Cameron are sitting on the other end of the table, no doubt discussing the same as we are: The Margaret saga. They took it better than I expected. Joshua said he could tell by my body language when I got back from speaking with his mother at lunch that something had gone on. The sick truth is, I think this is the story we had all imagined, anyway. It’s not shocking… more disappointing. I wanted her to be the victim, the misunderstood mother-in-law, and I wanted to be her saviour.
- I believed her and defended her, yet, in the end, it had all been a lie. I do believe she is an abused woman, neglected by her husband so seeking love from another man. Unfortunately, that’s a man whose only power is to take hers. He’s a wimp who blames his obsession and his inability to have her as the reason he abuses her. I know it’s common in domestically violent relationships, but when it’s someone you know, it’s hard to truly understand. He has brain washed her into thinking she brought this on all by herself, and that if she would just do as he asked, he wouldn’t need to hit, to rape, and to destroy her self esteem. She has obviously made an allegiance with the pain and needs the violence to feel his love, as if it validated it in some way. Sick, soul destroying and fucked up.
- He doesn’t deserve her. Who am I kidding? How can you help someone who doesn’t want to be helped? They are as messed up as each other.