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Chapter 3 -Offered A Job

  • I was in my room when I heard my mother yell my name from the living room. I had gotten home about an hour ago and I was getting ready to go shopping.
  • “Honey! There's a package for you!“ She yelled again, and this time, it got me to respond.
  • “I'll be down in a minute mum!“ I hurriedly put on my Lip gloss, staring at my reflection in the mirror and brushing my lips together so it could set properly, before heading downstairs, to the living room.
  • “I guess it's from Blake, he must have sent it as an apology,” my mum said with a grin as she held the package in her hand. My mother must have thought we just had a mere fight, I didn't tell her he had broken up with me. Yet! I had to tell her, hiding it from her was no use.
  • “I and Blake aren't together anymore,” I said in a low tone, waiting to get her reaction.
  • “You broke up with him just because of a little misunderstanding?“ She scowled at me.
  • I have always wondered why my mum always wanted me to be with Blake by all means, yes! He was from a very wealthy and elite family, but that wasn't enough reason, maybe she had a thing for him, who knew?
  • “Mum, you shouldn't just blame it on me, he broke up with me, in fact he dumped me for a bitch!“ I was starting to feel the rage and anger again. But instead I let out a sigh, taking the package from my mother's hand.
  • I could tell my mother was dumbfounded, I could tell she never saw it coming, Blake made her believe he would never hurt me, but he did, he really did hurt me.
  • “Shimma, you mean to say, Blake dumped you, for someone else?“ She looked terrified.
  • “Yes mum, not just a girl, his ex!“ I mumbled, I was about to take the package upstairs when she said something that made me pause on my tracks.
  • “What did you do that made him leave you?“
  • I attempted to speak, but what could I say? My pussy was too dry? I couldn't ride his cock properly? I was bad at sex and could barely get wet for him? I mean, how could I explain it?
  • “I'll be in my room mother,” I said to her heading to my room.
  • “Shimma!“ I heard my mum call but I paid no heed to her, I just sprinted to my room shutting the door.
  • I sat on my bed, placing the package on my lap. It was a little package wrapped with a ribbon, like the size of a jewellery box, or was it a jewellery box?
  • I hurriedly unwrapped it and yes! It was indeed a jewellery box. I opened it to see two diamond earrings and a matching diamond necklace, placed inside was a card, I took out the card and it wrote.
  • “CHEER UP SHIMMA, MATTIAS,” a smile of amusement crossed my lips and I stared back at the million dollar diamond jewelries placed on my laps. How sweet, but why?
  • I took my phone and called Mr Mattias' number, I wanted to thank him and maybe ask him why he got me a gift.
  • “Shimma,” he said, answering the phone, Gawd! I had missed his voice for like an hour now.
  • “Uhm, I saw your gift, thank you uncle Mattias, But…”
  • “Don't! don't ever call me uncle,” he cutted in, his voice rough.
  • “But why? I always do, ever since I knew you,” I wasn't done talking when he hung up.
  • I was staring at my phone in confusion when I heard a knock on my door.
  • “Shimma, can I have a word with you?“
  • “Not now, mother!“ I placed the card back into the jewellery box and hid the box inside my closet. Don't think of it that way, it wasn't wrong for my dad's best friend to send me gifts, but I just didn't want my mother asking me unnecessary questions.
  • “I just need to speak to you, and besides, we are running late!“ She mumbled.
  • “Alright come in,” I said sitting on my bed again.
  • I watched the door open and she walked in, giving me a warm smile, she always made that same expression anytime she wanted to apologize, I was used to it already.
  • “I'm sorry if I made it seem like your fault Shimma, I was too quick to judge,” she said as she sat right beside me.
  • “It's okay mother, I understand,” I responded as we both smiled at each other.
  • “Let's head out then, you're driving,” she teased.
  • “Mum you did this the last time, you're driving today, I'll drive next time, that's what we agreed on,”
  • “Alright, I'll drive," she raised both hands in the air.
  • She stood up, walking over to my standing mirror, checking out her outfit when she turned to me like she remembered something.
  • “Shimma! i forgot to tell you earlier, your uncle Mattias offered to employ you as his personal assistant, once after you're done with your final exam next week. so I'll be dropping you off at his office for an Interview this evening, aren't you excited?“ She grinned.
  • “Excited!?“ I could hear myself scream. This was torture! Being with Mattias for so long and not getting fucked by him could kill me!
  • My mother and I were done shopping, and like she said, she drove me over to Uncle Mattias' company.
  • “He'll drop you home,okay!“ She said waving at me as I watched her Black Mercedes zoom off.
  • “Shit!“ I said standing in front of the skyscraper.
  • With all courage, I walked into the building, heading towards the receptionist.
  • “Good evening miss, I'm here for Mr Mattias,” I said.
  • “This way ma'am, at the top floor,” she said pointing at the elevator.
  • “Thank you,” I greeted, heading to the direction she had pointed.
  • I opened the door to a office I guessed would be Mr Mattias's office.
  • “G, good evening Mr Mattias,” I greeted.
  • “Sit,” he ordered. And I did.
  • There was an awkward silence, but I had to say something before it got too awkward.
  • “So…,” I attempted to speak but he raised a finger, which made me stop talking. Oh silly me, I didn't notice he was working on his laptop in front of him.
  • It took him some extra seconds, before he returned his finger down, the moment his eyes rested on mine, I felt it, I felt the warm sensation between my thighs again.
  • “Shimma, I guess you're here for the interview?” he smirked, Gawd! Did this man know how handsome he was?
  • “Yes,” I said softly, I pressed my thighs together as I tried to comport myself.
  • “Well, there's not much to ask you, except,” he paused for a few seconds.
  • “How good are you?” he stood up, and started advancing towards me.
  • “Huh?“ he raised a brow leaning on his office table just right in front of my chair, just right in front of me!
  • I gulped hard, I could feel my lungs tighten, I tried to move my chair backwards, giving us a few inched gap but instead he drew me closer to him.
  • “Tell me Shimma, how good are you?“