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Chapter 83

  • I get sucked down a rabbit hole of gossip and tabloids about Weston. From whom he’s dated to whom he’s been seen with most recently. I click on a headline that reads: Reclusive Billionaire Weston Vaughn Seen Again with Mystery Blonde. The image is blurry but you can see two grainy figures exiting a restaurant and climbing into the back of the same car. I’m about to exit out of it when I scroll back up to the top and realize this article is only minutes old. I double-checked, and in fact, it has today’s date with a time stamp of 9:04 p.m.
  • Was his very important dinner that he couldn’t miss a date?
  • If it was, I have no reason to be upset and I’m not… I don’t think, but he could have just been honest with me about it. I place my phone on the coffee table and lounge back onto the couch, continuing to watch Scooby-Doo.
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