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Chapter 6 More Information

  • Lance POV
  • My heart races as the doctor pauses for a moment. “Maybe we should go into her room.”
  • I nod and turn towards the end of the hall. My feet move a little faster than normal, but I fight against it and keep a steady pace alongside the doctor.
  • Once inside the room, the doctor shuts the door. As soon as he turns towards me, I practically pounce on him. “What is it, doc? Did something bad happen, or is she not going to recover?”
  • He shakes his head. “It isn’t anything like that. I think we’ve gotten her identity figured out. There were several posts online about a wedding happening over in New Moon pack with their first ever female alpha heir to a guy from Dark Moon pack. I can do some more digging, but since there are very few female alphas with this strong of alpha blood, I can assume this injured wolf is her.”
  • I glance across the room at the hospital bed and the unconscious blonde wolf. “I would agree with you. Did you hear about anything or what happened?”
  • “Sort of. There were several posts about the wedding and pictures of Trinity in her wedding dress, but the posts didn’t give an exact detailed account of what happened. All they said was that the alpha heir had been met with a tragedy. You can assume what you want regarding that. We know the end result of it. She is lying in our hospital, fighting to stay alive.”
  • My heart twists with his words. I also remember the look on the werewolves’ faces when they were searching for her. They wanted her dead.
  • What is so special about her? Being a female alpha is unique, but is it enough for them to want her gone?
  • I take a deep breath. “If you haven’t, go ahead and provide all the information you have discovered to the council. They will probably follow up with this and seek justice for her, even if she doesn’t wake up for a long time. I can only hope she doesn’t stay unconscious for too long, though.”
  • My heart twists again, but I push the discomfort out of my mind.
  • With a softer tone, he replies, “Okay. I will send it over right away. I had been holding it until you gave the order to forward it to them. With what little I can provide, they will probably investigate it right away, especially with her being so near to being dead when she got here. If you will excuse me, Prince, I’ll send everything off right now.”
  • I absentmindedly wave my hand in the air. “You’re excused.”
  • As I stare at the beautiful wolf, I find myself wondering what her story is. How did she end up here?
  • Her name is just as beautiful as she is.
  • Wait. What am I thinking?
  • I quickly shake my head and move to the side of her bed. Her blonde fur shimmers under the fluorescent lights, almost calling to me. Before I know what I’m doing, I rub the top of her head.
  • A battle instantly wages within me. My wolf wants to snuggle up beside her, but the thought churns my stomach. My mind, on the other hand, reminds me she is a werewolf, and I don’t care about werewolves, no matter how pretty they are.
  • Regardless of my fight, my hand never leaves her head and continues to rub and scratch her head.
  • What is coming over me? This isn’t like me.
  • ***
  • Trinity POV
  • As I aimlessly walk around the empty space, my mind runs through everything that has happened to me in this strange place, especially the woman and her words. I still haven’t figured out if they are her words of wisdom or her rambling nonsense.
  • For once, my heart and mind agree with each other. They both believe the woman had given us some advice, but what does it mean?
  • While lost in my thoughts, a light flashes in front of me, and another image appears. This time, the picture is of my wedding reception and the young server walking across the large banquet room with a glass of champagne in her hand. A small smirk adorns her face.
  • I don’t remember this. I must have been too preoccupied with everything else to notice it.
  • Something about her look doesn’t sit well with me.
  • As I take a step closer to it, the image changes again. The young woman has taken a few steps, but her eyes glance to the side. Her look of victory instantly makes my stomach churn.
  • I was right. There was something fishy about the glass of champagne, but what?
  • If I knew why it is so special, I’m sure I can put the puzzle pieces together, but for now, I’m drawing a blank. Nothing makes any sense.
  • My earlier conversation with the mysterious angelic woman comes to mind. Her previous words float through my head, and one word bubbles to the top. Greed.
  • Before I can think about it anymore, light flashes again, and the mysterious woman I was thinking about appears with her white wolf by her side. “Hi. How are you feeling? Is your headache gone?”
  • I nod and tentatively take a few steps towards her. Her presence might calm my nerves, but I still don’t have any idea who she is. She hasn’t properly introduced herself. “Yes. My headache seems to be gone now. Are you here to give me some more useful information?”
  • Hopefully, she is here for more than that, but I won’t push her. She is the only person here, and I don’t want to lose our interesting talks.
  • She shakes her head and scratches the top of the wolf’s head. “Not exactly. I need to make sure you are well enough to go back. Your wolf needs to come and heal, too.”
  • I tilt my head and stare at her. “I thought you said you are already healing my wolf. Where is she? Why can’t she heal where she is at?”
  • The woman stares back at me. “I can only have one person here at a time. You were in a critical state. If you didn’t survive, neither would your wolf. So, I healed you first and then I will do the same to your wolf.”
  • That doesn’t make any sense. If she is an angel, she should be able to heal both of us at the same time.
  • A soft giggle rings through the air. “I’m not an angel, but I am very powerful. Your wolf could fight the poison off better than you. That is why I brought you here and left your wolf somewhere else. She is healing, but slowly.”
  • Poison? What is she talking about?
  • Confusion clouds my brain while my mind jumps into overdrive, running through everything I did on my wedding day. My attention snaps to the image of the young server behind the woman. Does she have something to do with it?
  • My gut twists.
  • The mysterious woman takes a step closer to me. “Don’t worry. Like I’ve said before, I won’t let anything bad happen to you, but I’m not telling you anything more. I’ve said too much already. You have to figure out the rest on your own.”
  • She hesitates for a moment and then gracefully steps closer to me. Sympathy fills her vision.
  • With my mind still running through her words and my memories, I silently plead with her to give me more information. She can’t stop there.
  • She gives me a sad smile. “Sorry. I might be powerful, but there are still rules I must abide by. Not even an angel can do whatever they want. We all abide by certain rules.”
  • I shake my head and want to take a step backwards, but I’m frozen in place.
  • She gently touches my arm. “You will figure it out. The alpha blood in you won’t let you rest until you have all the answers. Just be aware, the answers you seek might not be the ones you want.”
  • What does she mean by that?
  • She wraps her slender fingers around my arm. “I may not see you again.”
  • I tilt my head.
  • The light around us dims. “But know, I’ll be watching over you. If you haven’t figured it out yet, I’m the moon goddess.”
  • Before I have time to react, I’m swallowed in darkness.