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Chapter 1203 - Couples Counseling

  • I breathe deeply through my nose as rage takes over the terror in my body. Emily. Frickin. James. God, I thought I was finally finished with her drama – but apparently, she’s still out to ruin my life.
  • Six months ago, I was having a totally normal therapy session with Emily’s boyfriend Keith, a Beta. He asked me for my professional opinion on some…spots, which had mysteriously appeared on his penis. I told him that hat was outside of my jurisdiction as a counselor and told him to seek medical attention.
  • But then Keith started crying, saying that if he came down with an STD like moonpox they weren’t going to let him continue in his job. I bit my lip then, because he’s right – moonpox is very contagious, especially amongst Betas in a small pack who tend to share gear and clothing.
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