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Chapter 2 100 Days

  • Aaron and Vivian arrived at the hospital. Aaron was used to having the door opened and being treated as a rich young master. This time, Vivian, who was driving the car, had already gotten off Vivian's Jeep. But Aaron was still sitting relaxed in the car.
  • "Hey, aren't you going down?" Vivian was pounding on the car door, making Aaron quite surprised. He got out of the car angrily.
  • "Why don't you open the door for me?" asked Aaron in a haughty tone.
  • "Oh my gosh, this kid," grumbled Vivian. "Are you possessed by a ghost, or are you still carried away by your dreams? Get up, Vin. Now is the time to work."
  • Vivian suppressed every word.
  • "If you keep acting up, I won't hesitate to hit you!" Vivian said it fiercely and walked away.
  • "Truly bars. If I come back, I'll get back at him and fire him. We will see!" Aaron grumbled in great annoyance and walked after Vivian.
  • Vivian took the side door, while Aaron walked towards the main door, where lots of people, including reporters, were there.
  • Aaron quickly walked there when he saw the figure of a woman who had just stepped off the car.
  • "Julia?" Aaron muttered, walking quickly towards the woman who was talking to the reporters.
  • "Where are you going?" Aaron was shocked when someone forcefully pulled his back collar on him, making him startled and struggling to escape.
  • "Let me go! You arrogant girl!" Aaron snapped, brushing aside Vivian's hand that had pulled him and brought him to the side of the hospital building.
  • "Who is arrogant?" asked Vivian, who was very annoyed. "What are you doing here, Vin? We can't go through the main door," said Vivian.
  • "Why can not?"
  • "You can't see there's a lot of laughter there, and there's Mrs. Julia too. We must go through the side door and hurry to Mr. George."
  • "George? Why do we have to meet that incompetent man?" Aaron was very annoyed.
  • "What are you saying? Are you sick or have you had amnesia suddenly?" Vivian suddenly touched Aaron's forehead, making him flinch in surprise and move backward.
  • "Why are you touching me? How impolite to your boss!" he snapped.
  • "Jesus, Kelvin, you have truly lost your mind!"
  • "Who is Kelvin? I am Aar-" Aaron stopped his words when he saw the reflection of his face from the parapet of the hospital, where it was open through the glass. He could see the reflection of her face there, though not very clearly.
  • "Aar, what?" she asked.
  • "I'm not feeling well," Aaron replied, turning his head away.
  • "Let's go first to see Mr. George; you guys rest," said Vivian, holding Kelvin's hand and pulling him. Aaron was quite surprised by the touch of the woman in front of him, which managed to make his heart flutter and make him suddenly nervous.
  • Aaron looked at Vivian's grip on his hand, then he looked back at Vivian in front of him.
  • They entered the hospital area and entered the room where the security guards under George's leadership were gathered.
  • "You two, why did you just come? So slow!" George snapped as Vivian and Aaron entered the room.
  • "How dare you yell at me! I'm tired of living already!" snapped the always arrogant Aaron.
  • "What are you saying?" George looks angry at Kelvin.
  • "I said-" Vivian immediately covered Kelvin's mouth with her hand, where Kelvin's height was less than Vivian's.
  • "He didn't say anything, Mr. Forgive us," said Vivian, apologizing on behalf of Aaron.
  • Aaron looked at Vivian in annoyance, and Vivian gave him a glare.
  • "That's enough. I'm not in the mood to play. Hurry up and line up!" cried George angrily.
  • Vivian took Aaron's hand and lined up there in a resting position, keeping her hands behind her back.
  • "Shut up and line up properly. Don't get punished for running 100 times around the hospital!" whispered Vivian, and at that moment Aaron fell silent and obeyed.
  • They had been standing for 30 minutes listening to George's explanation, which, according to Aaron, was not important. They are only assigned to protect journalists and foreign guests who intend to see their master, Mr. Aaron Jeremy Smith. Aaron was very bored, and his legs were sore. Yet what they are looking for is here.
  • Finally, the boring explanation was over, and they had to line up in the lobby and secure the situation. They are divided into several groups. Aaron, Vivian, and two other colleagues were on guard duty in the lobby. And conduct inspections of guests who come to see their Master.
  • "Shit. Why do I have to be stuck in a situation like this?" Aaron grumbled. Even though the real Aaron was himself and was there.
  • Aaron ignored Vivian's orders and chose to sit on the sofa in the lobby. Vivian repeatedly reprimanded him, but Aaron ignored him, making Vivian finally give up.
  • At that time, three luxury cars arrived and stopped in front of the lobby, and several people in the front car got off the car. The man dressed all in black and then opened the passenger door of the second car. At that time, the figure of an adult man wearing a very luxurious suit was seen coming down the road. Seeing that figure, Aaron was shocked and got up from his seat.
  • The man walked, followed by his men, into the hospital area.
  • 'Why did that damn man come here?' Aaron thought, hurrying away.
  • "Kelvin. Where are you going?" called Vivian.
  • "To the bathroom for a moment." Aaron walked quickly after the man earlier. Aaron, who was dressed all in black, walked behind his men so that no one suspected him.
  • They get into the lift. Other men were preventing Aaron from entering the elevator.
  • "We'll use the second elevator," he said, making Aaron silent with great annoyance.
  • That man is Erlan Dallin Harrison. Aaron's cousin, who becomes his rival, won the company and the position of president at Smith Construction Ltd. A giant company engaged in various fields and has been successful since 71 years ago. Aaron finally succeeded in occupying the position of president because his father was the only son in the Smith family, in contrast to Erlan, whose mother was a descendant of Smith and Aaron's aunt. They have been competing for a long time, and Erlan always raises the war flag with him.
  • And now that he's here, I don't know what that means.
  • The sound of the elevator ringing snapped Aaron out of his stupor. He stepped out of the elevator and walked quickly, following the others, until he arrived at a presidential suite room. Where there is a window, so you can see into the room. Luckily, Aaron was able to stand by the door and peek inside. His eyes widened when he saw what was happening there.
  • Erlan kissed and hugged a woman named Julia. Julia is Aaron's wife; she is the woman Aaron loves so much that he is even willing to give up anything for her. And that's when Aaron remembered the last incident before the accident happened. Aaron saw Julia kissing a man he didn't know. And now everything is clear. That man is Erlan, his own cousin.
  • Blood immediately rose to the head, and both hands clenched so tightly that it felt like they were going to explode at that moment. They dared to kiss and hug even though Aaron's body was limp on the gurney with various medical devices.
  • "God damn it!" An angry Aaron was about to enter the room. But when his hand was about to hold the doorknob, someone held him back, making Aaron turn around and see an old man there. With a quick movement, Aaron had moved.
  • Aaron looked around in the very dark room; not even a slit of light came through. He looked around but found no door anywhere.
  • "Aaron Jeremy Smith...
  • Someone's words made him turn towards the source of the voice and see an old man who had previously held his wrist.
  • At that moment, the room became brightly lit. And look around him—there is a mirror. Aaron could no longer see other people's faces and bodies.
  • "Where am I?" asked Aaron, feeling confused.
  • "You are in my system," said the man, who was now sitting on a sofa that had been there for some time.
  • "What system do you mean?" he asked.
  • "Aaron, on August 30th, you had an accident, or rather, attempted murder."
  • "How did you know? Who are you?" he shouted.
  • "I am someone who will help you get your revenge," he said haughtily.
  • "Help me how? Are you also the one who transferred my spirit into that little boy's body?"
  • "Calm down. Listen to my explanation first," said the man, making Aaron silent.
  • "This is because you have a necklace around your neck," he said, making Aaron look down and take out a necklace in the shape of a lion's head. Where the two eyes meet, there is a small ruby.
  • "This necklace?"
  • "Yes, the necklace saved you by making your spirit move into someone else's body when you were about to die."
  • "Then how can I get back to my body?" he asked.
  • "It can't be that fast. You have to be able to find your necklace partner so they can get back into your body.
  • "How's the partner?"
  • Actually, it is a piece of a dragon statue made of copper. During the battle, the legendary item was broken in the head and lost separately." Aaron frowned. He didn't understand what the man was saying at all.
  • "What nonsense are you talking about?" asked Aaron, very annoyed. "This necklace was given to me by my father; it has nothing to do with the legendary item you mentioned," said Aaron, annoyed.
  • "What happened to you just now was some backhanded bullshit?" the man asked, making Aaron speechless.
  • "So what should I do to get back into my body? Damn it!" shouted Aaron, already losing patience.
  • "Calm down and listen to my explanation first."
  • "Okay. Say something more reasonable."
  • "You have 100 days from now to find out where the other piece of rock is. If you can combine them before the appointed time. Then you can return to your body. But if you don't, you will die. Because the body you're in right now is lifeless," said the man, making Aaron freeze in place.
  • "How can I find it? I don't even know what kind of thing that is. And where can I find him?" screamed Aaron in great frustration.
  • "That's your job to find him."
  • "I have to get up quickly and save the company. I must also take revenge on those traitors!"
  • "Use your 100 days to take revenge and look for that item," said the man.
  • "How can I get revenge if I'm in that snotty kid's body?" He screamed very loudly.
  • "That's your job to think about it," the man said with a grin.
  • "What if I fail to find the item within 100 days?"
  • "Then you will die. Neither the body you are currently in nor yours can last much longer." Aaron was very surprised to hear that.
  • "You damn old man! You're trying to play me!"
  • Aaron's tantrum was about to attack the old man, but suddenly everything was dark, and Aaron forced his eyes open and woke up.
  • "Win, are you okay?" someone asked, making Aaron turn to his side, where Vivian was. Aaron looked around, where he was in an infirmary.
  • "You passed out on duty. Are you all right?" asked Vivian, feeling worried.
  • "I'm fine," Aaron replied sarcastically.
  • His head felt like it was about to explode at the thought of the old man's words. Where should he look for items that he does not know anything about? This game is really just to kill it.
  • ***