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Chapter 657

  • Right when they felt that Madam Zi Yan’s decision was crazy, the Huangfu Ancestor outside of the capital spoke: “Royal Lord Zi Yan, our Huangfu Clan’s descendant suffered a sneak attack and was gravely wounded inside your imperial palace. He was your guest, yet not only did you fail to protect him, you are also shielding his assailant. Does your country wish to oppose my Huangfu Clan? I hope that you will be able to give us an explanation. Otherwise, I will have to personally take a trip to your palace!”
  • At this time, the huge figure of the Huangfu Ancestor appeared. Although he had yet to step inside the capital, his mountainous shadow — along with the grand, majestic Virtuous Paragon’s aura — was about to suppress the entire capital.
  • A Virtuous Paragon’s voice was able to reverberate throughout the capital so that every single inhabitant would be able to hear his words.
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