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Chapter 3 Doubts And Disappointments

  • Beatrice
  • After a month of marriage, the situation with Edward hasn't changed. He continues to act politely but seems to maintain an invisible distance between us. We share the same room and bed, but he has never tried to get closer. Instead, he always locks himself in the library late into the night, always claiming work. It seems like he's avoiding me.
  • It saddens me, but I can't talk about it with my family or friends. My mother was against our marriage from the start, as she disagreed with the idea of the contract, and admitting that it's been a disappointment would confirm what she tried to warn me about. Additionally, my father is ill, so there are already enough concerns at home. I don't want to add more problems. So, I smile and pretend everything is fine when, in reality, I feel very alone.
  • Abigail, Edward's sister and my true friend called me that afternoon. She was passing through London and came to visit me. I was so happy with the news. She has always been a dear friend, and that hasn't changed in adulthood.
  • "Beatrice, darling, how are you?" Abigail hugged me tightly as she walked through the door.
  • "I'm so happy with your visit," I said, trying to control my emotions.
  • Abigail wasn't alone. She brought someone with her.
  • "Beatrice, this is my cousin Evelyn. She was curious to meet you."
  • I greeted Evelyn with a smile, but something about her made me uncomfortable.
  • "Pleasure to meet you, Evelyn."
  • Evelyn smiled, but her eyes were examining every detail of the place as if searching for something.
  • As we chatted, Evelyn began to talk about Edward strangely.
  • "Do you know anything about the time Edward lived in Paris? It seems like something important happened there."
  • I looked at Abigail, confused, before turning back to Evelyn.
  • "No, he never mentioned anything like that."
  • Evelyn seemed satisfied with my answer as if she had gotten what she wanted.
  • "Well, Edward had a romance with a French model named Louise Orleans. He was invest invest invested in it because of some issues."
  • I was shocked by what I heard. My head was filled with questions, but before I could understand everything, Evelyn continued.
  • "Edward asked Louise to wait for him. According to what she told me, you two got married through a contract, but for a short period, just two years. At least that's what she told me."
  • It was noticeable how uncomfortable Abigail was, not to mention my surprise at Evelyn's audacity to speak all that so... casually. It's my life, and she was being extremely offensive.
  • "I believe this is too personal to be discussed in this manner, Evelyn," Abigail commented, trying to put an end to the topic.
  • Evelyn smiled somewhat forcedly as if she were enjoying some internal joke.
  • "I'm sorry if I was impolite; it wasn't my intention."
  • I felt a mix of emotions: shock, curiosity, and, above all, anger. How could she just bring up such personal information in such a... crude way?
  • "No problem," I replied, forcing a polite smile.
  • But my mind was in turmoil, trying to process what Evelyn had said. The truth hit me suddenly. Now, knowing this, the fragility of what we had was clearer than ever.
  • As the conversation continued, my mind wandered. Edward had never mentioned anything about a romance in Paris. Feelings of sadness and indignation began to surface within me. He had hidden this on purpose, and now I wondered what else he might be hiding.
  • Soon, Abigail was bidding farewell and taking with her Evelyn, the cause of my internal turmoil. I received a call from Abigail an hour later.
  • "Beatrice, are you okay?" Abigail asked, sounding concerned.
  • Even though Abigail couldn't see me, I forced a smile.
  • "Yes, I'm okay. Just a little tired."
  • "I'm so sorry for what happened during tea. I had no idea she would bring up those things."
  • I sighed, feeling the mix of emotions within me.
  • "It's not your fault, Abigail. I don't know why she did that, but it left me quite shaken."
  • "If you need to talk about it, I'm here to listen. And about Edward, maybe you should talk to him too."
  • I nodded, contemplating Abigail's words. She was right. It was time to clear things up with Edward, to find out what he was hiding, and to decide what to do with the revealed information. However, I didn't have the courage for that.
  • I chose to search on the internet. It wasn't difficult to find articles about the relationship between English tycoon Edward Maddox and French model Louise Orleans. It was painful to see so many pictures of them together, exuding love and romance. Evelyn might have been cruel, but she wasn't lying. Even the French media reported the end of their relationship and Edward's subsequent marriage to a young Englishwoman, the daughter of a prominent business associate.
  • I smiled without humor. All this information was within reach of anyone. I just had never looked.
  • My emotions were in tatters. Anger, sadness, and a sense of betrayal mingled within me. I didn't know how to face Edward after discovering all this. Questions flooded my mind. Was he just fulfilling an agreement? And Louise... What did she mean to him? Did he still think about her?
  • A surprise call interrupted my somber thoughts. A genuine smile lit up my face as I recognized the voice of Sebastian, my dear cousin and friend.
  • "How's the newlywed in London?" he asked with a touch of humor.
  • "I confess, a bit bored," I replied, allowing myself a glimpse of honesty.
  • Sebastian and I always shared a special intimacy, and his voice brought instant comfort to the turmoil within me.
  • "I can imagine," he said, laughing. "From what I see, Edward is entirely focused on reviving the family business. I bet summer vacations at university haven't been exactly thrilling for you."
  • "My husband is just trying to keep the family business afloat, even if it doesn't seem like it," I defended Edward, despite my uneasiness.
  • "How about we go to our favorite pub? A drink always helps lift the spirits."