Chapter 29 Frightening Realisation
- Andrei returned to the study, and while he waited for Liam, he checked both his mailboxes, Aero's and the family's.
- Nothing was burning on Aero's side, but too many pots were with the family. Juan had heard through the grapevine that they had decided not to do business with him. In a lengthy email, he expressed his outrage at Andrei for making him fly to the shithole third-world country for nothing. But he was enjoying the safari, so his trip wasn't a total waste after all.
- Andrei read and reread the email, trying to figure out the most diplomatic way to respond. But nothing his tired brain came up with sounded remotely civil. So he shelved Juan, promising himself he'd handle him later. There was no doubt in Andrei's mind that Mikhail or one of his men had whispered into Juan's ears about their proposed exit plan. He'd deal with his cousin and his men later, too, he decided as he moved on to his father's email next, his blood running cold at the message. The meeting with the Petrovs had been moved up by a month. This time next week, Andrei would meet his assassin future wife. The knowledge left him reeling with anger, confusion, and a sense of betrayal. He was still trying to compartmentalise his feelings over Ivan's report on Veronika. So this…his father going back on his word…was the last thing he expected. His old man had agreed to give him time to find his own wife—