Chapter 5 Five
- Zoraya
- I wondered what he meant by what he said, but I was hit by a strange surge of pain as soon as his words landed. I could barely breathe, and my heart raced like I had been running.
- What is happening?
- I wondered as I stared at the man who I had come to realize from his words that his name was Jayden.
- Why do I feel so affected by what he said?
- As soon as he was done saying whatever he had to say, he turned to leave, but I couldn’t let him leave while I was in no condition to help Zara.
- She needed me now more than ever, but the pain in my chest made me feel so weak that I could barely move.
- 'Zo..ra..ya!'
- Zara's sudden call pulled me out of my thoughts and every pain I felt seemed to have vanished as I rushed to her and held her.
- 'Down!' she screamed and l looked down to see the pup was halfway.
- I helped her lay on her back and placed my hands on the floor as she groaned loudly. Suddenly, a blood-stained little puppy... The puppy landed on my hand.
- ‘wow!’
- I exclaimed as I laid it carefully on the leaf bed I had made for Zara. I returned to her as she continued groaning painfully. I leaped and saw that one more puppy was to follow. The groaning continued as more puppies popped out of her.
- Zara became quiet after I took out three more puppies.
- 'Are you okay?' I asked as I noticed that she was trying to get up.
- She gestured towards the leaf bed where I had the pups laid out. 'The puppies, they aren't moving,' Zara tried to go to them. I went towards them and tried to make them move, but they weren't.
- ‘Are they not moving?’ I repeated as I went back to take a look.
- I touched each of them and found out they were so cold. I ran towards the bush to bring back more grass. I covered them immediately.
- Jayden, who had been standing there staring amazingly at me as I helped Zara deliver her puppies. He finally decided to help as he probably noticed that I was trying to keep them warm. He picked one of the puppies and stroked it with his hand moving up and downward on its body.
- Even though I didn’t know what he was doing or why, I believe that he is trying to help and that is what we need. We need as much help as we can get as we both can’t save the five puppies at the same time.
- I grabbed one puppy and did as Jayden was doing to the other. We continued this until they felt warm and moved.
- I jumped happily and placed both puppies beside Zara who was now lying on her side. She looked weak and exhausted.
- ‘Don’t worry, Zara, the pups will be fine.’
- She didn’t respond at first, but when I moved to go to the other pups, she spoke. Her voice sounded so weak that I could argue that Zara didn’t just speak if she hadn’t just spoken in my presence.
- ‘It’s no use. They’re gone.’
- What?
- My hands fell to my side as her words sank in. I tried to understand where the tiny pups could have gone.
- ‘Huh?’
- ‘They’re cold.’ she repeated.
- ‘Why?’ I asked no one in particular.
- Why did this have to happen with Zara’s pups? I couldn’t help but wonder what went wrong.
- ‘Take care of yourself, Zoraya,’ her voice was barely audible.
- ‘Why? Won’t you be there to take care of me as always?’ I went close to her and held her as I needed to figure out why she sounded so weak.
- Could it be the death of her pups?
- ‘We have two pups to take care of Zara, you need to be strong for us, okay?’
- I brushed my hand through her fur and I felt her hardened breath. My heart was gripped with fear as I wondered why she was breathing so heavily.
- ‘I will always be with you.’ she replied now faintly. ‘Stay safe and stay together, you three.’
- I knew she was talking about myself and the two surviving pups when she said all three of us should take care of each other. What I do not understand is why she wants us to take care of each other.
- ‘We’ll stay together with you as always.’ I retorted immediately.
- Zara didn’t speak anymore. I thought she agreed to stay with us. I thought I managed to convince her to stay back, but I was completely wrong. I didn’t even realize what had happened until Jayden voice snapped me to reality.
- “She’s gone,” he stated seriously.
- Gone? Where?
- What does he mean by gone? Where could she possibly go when she is still right here in front of me?
- “She’s dead,” he replied, as if he could read the confusion on my face.
- Dead?
- I tried to ask myself what that word meant and why Jayden used it now, but nothing came to mind until I noticed the lack of movement in Zara. I tapped her gently, hoping that the lack of movement was because she was tired, but Zara still didn’t move even after I tapped her continuously.
- ‘Why isn’t she moving?’ I tried to ask Jayden, but he didn’t seem to understand what I was saying. ‘Zara, please open your eyes.’ I screamed at the top of my voice, but there was no response.
- “Quit barking so loudly, she’s dead!” Jayden yelled at me.
- What did he say? Dead? Didn’t he say that to Zara’s lifeless pups? Why would he use that same word for Zara when she wasn’t lifeless? Didn’t he hear her speak a minute ago? Why would he say that she’s dead?
- I shook Zara but she still didn’t move. Is she really dead?
- No! Zara can’t die.
- She’s the only family I have. How can she leave without me? I screamed out loud as I cried out in pain. Why did this have to happen now?
- “You should go back,” Jayden muttered as he moved to leave. He seemed to have remembered that we had fled the house because something called fire caused an uproar. “This is the last time I’ll help you!”