Chapter 7 Cornered
- It's Samantha's first day of training as Tristan's secretary. Before going out of her room she looks at the large mirror in front of her as she fixed up the collar of her white blouse, smoothing it down until it's almost perfect before tying up her hair and pulling it back into a high ponytail. The blonde ends are neatly tucked behind her ears.
- "You can do it, Sam. It's one of your dream to have a brother right? You have it now, don't ruin the chance..."
- After taking one last look in the mirror to check that all is well with herself she exits her bedroom.
- Her breath seems to catch in her throat when she sees Tristan standing next to her Mercedes-Benz S-Class. She's surprised to see him there after thinking that he already go ahead of her.
- "Why are you still here?" she said, trying to hide the way her heart was beating erratically against her chest.
- "Your Mom, told me to wait for you." Samantha nodded and looked away from him, when she noticed Tristan's eyes lingering over her body.
- "Let's go." Samantha can't avoid noticing the coldness on Tristan's voice. She thinks that he's in a bad mood now. But she doesn't ask him about it, instead walking to the car in a quick pace while making sure not to bump onto him or cause any more awkward situations than they had already.
- Samantha is about to open the door through the passenger seat, when Tristan stops her by grabbing her wrist. She immediately move a bit, when she felt the electrifying tingle of his touch.
- "Seat beside me." Her eyes narrowed at him, not until he continue.
- "I don't want to look like I am your driver," he said, giving her a small smirk which made her feel uncomfortable.
- The drive through the Bright Horizons Company filled with silence. Samantha didn't dare to utter a word. She's just really afraid to bring back the past, since she's really trying hard now to act like they're really siblings.
- After an hour they stopped on the entrance of a big company. Tristan parked the Mercedes in front of a private parking lot. Samantha even expecting him to open the door for him but he just got out of the car without saying anything. He then walked towards the building.
- "What's wrong with him?" She thought, then get out of the car too.
- Her eyes glittered as she saw how big the company is. With Tristan at her side she turn her sight around, still feel amazed. The place was like something straight out of a movie. It's so fancy and luxurious.
- "Good morning, boss!"
- "Have a great day, Sir!" The employees on our way greeted him with smile.
- "And you, Miss Beautiful!" They greeted Samantha with a bow too.
- "Thank you!" she responded, slightly flustered at their attention. But she bumped on Tristan's torso, when he suddenly stopped walking and look at her with an annoyed expression.
- "What?" She looks up at him. She realized now how tall he is that she looks like a mushroom when she's next to him.
- They were walking inside the main hall now. The huge ceiling was painted with colorful designs. On each side there was a huge glass walled, which showed the huge landscape of the Bright Horizons Corporation. They passed through several reception area before reaching the elevators.
- Tristan pressed the button to the 3th floor, while she can't help glancing at him.
- "You know, bad luck might come with you, if you keep on showing that long face of yours," she said teasingly.
- "Tsk! You are getting too much attention." Samantha's lips twitched in amusement.
- "Well, it's not my fault. I am born to be gorgeous! Unlike you..." Tristan brows raised at her words.
- "What?" Samantha's cheeks flush a deep red when Tristan leaned closer to her face. She can feel his warm breath hitting the edge of her nose. Her heart thumping loudly against her chest.
- "Unlike you! Y-You are not that handsome as you thought." Tristan move away and grinned at her.
- "Not handsome, huh? Hm, that explains why you're blushing." Samantha huffily turned her gaze away and fix herself to look at the elevator doors which slowly opened and Tristan step outside. And she followed her with a frown.
- "Come in," Tristan said as he opened the door of his office. Samantha hesitated before walking in, feeling the cool air on her skin. Tristan closes the door after Samantha entered and leans against the desk.
- "Why you close the door?" Samantha asked, despite the fact that Tristan's facing some serious issues about their company business rival, Samantha didn't fail to make him chuckles.
- "What do you want me to do then? Open the door and let the air-conditioning blow you outside?" he sarcastically said, making Samantha rolled her eyes.
- "Whatever!" Tristan walked towards the swivel chair and sat there.
- "So, you told me that you are going to guide me. How can we start now my step-brother?" Samantha lift her left brow. Tristan jaw clenched after hearing the last words.
- "Step-brother, huh?" he scoffed.
- "What do you want me to call you then, a fuck buddy?" Samantha snapped back, but she immediately regret what she'd said after seeing Tristan controlling himself not to laugh.
- "If you want, it's my honor." Her jaw dropped while looking at him in disbelief.
- "I really don't like your attitude, Tristan. How really unlucky I am to encountered you. I just hope that—" Tristan stood up and walked towards Samantha again, causing her to feel trapped between the walls. She took a few steps back, and Samantha felt cornered.
- "What? You hope that it didn't turned out that I am your step-brother, because you want us to be more than that?" His voice was low, dangerously quiet. The desires in his eyes are evident. Samantha tried to push him because of annoyance, but before she could finally push him off, Tristan grabbed both of her arms, keeping her in place, the same time the door opened and someone's eyes widened in surprised.