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Chapter 4 — Intruders

  • The moon was out. Stars arrayed in the sky illuminated the darkness. The Kayaans were ready. They were all at the center of the village ready for the feast. The elders were getting ready for the feast rites. Each one of the twelve elders had a bat on their shoulder and their faces colored with black chalk. Merriment was ongoing and everyone was anticipating the feast rites. It was the most anticipated feast in the Kayaan kingdom as it meant new dawn. They were all looking forward to the presence of the new Commander. The priestess stood before them next to the altar. Ralph, her apprentice stood in his small form next to her. Ever since he started growing under her wing, this was the most exciting thing he has had to witness. The young apprentice couldn't wait to be in the position of the priestess one day so he too could perform the rites one day.
  • Lily was in her cave unsure whether to attend her feast. Her nerves were getting the best of her and her heart wouldn't stop throbbing. She had fought and anticipated this day for years but here she was scared to move an inch from her cave. "Where is the new Commander?" This was the question on everyone's mind as they all became impatient waiting for Lily. Murmurs broke out between the elders as there was still no sight of Lily. The priestess whispered to her apprentice, "find Lily!" Ralph ran as fast as his small legs could carry to Lily's cave. He took a calculative step making sure to take shortcuts he knew to her cave.
  • "You're needed at the center of the village," Ralph announced when he made out Lily lying in her dark cave. Reluctantly, Lily stood and followed the young apprentice. Her heart didn't cease its throbbing as they made their way to the feast. Each step she took, she was anxious for what the future held for her. Yes, she was excited and fulfilled to become the next commander but a part of her was anxious. "I was just as nervous when I was told I would be the next priest." Lily cast her gaze to the apprentice and he added, "everything you've ever wanted is on the other side of fear. Don't let fear stop you." The new commander smiled behind her mask. His words helped give her courage and morale. The priestess was a good teacher, it was obvious her apprentice was learning fast. There was silence as all orbs made contact with Lily when she arrived. Ralph returned to his place next to the priestess while everyone stood cheering her on. They all hurried to her and soon she was on their shoulders as they sang songs of victory celebrating her.
  • Their cheering came to an end when Lily was put before the priestess. Everyone became quiet again as the new commander was brought to kneel before the old priestess. The crowd concentrated with much interest and scrutiny. No one wanted to miss a part of the feast. The old priestess took a bowl filled with Oxblood and put it round Lily's head three times. Then she gave the bowl to Lily. "Drink up." She ordered. Lily obeyed and scrunched her face as the liquid went down her throat. The crowd yelled as Lilly returned the empty bowl to the priestess. The priestess took a blade-like object and made it take off Lily's mask. Lily was quick to stop her. She had a lot hidden behind that mask. She couldn't let anyone see the scars on her face especially now she was their new leader. She needed to earn their respect and not have them making jokes about her scars.
  • Lily pulled down her mask just enough to reveal her forehead. The priestess cut her forehead and inserted a white powdery substance into the cut. Lily didn't mind the pain, she quickly covered her face fully. The elders came before her and blessed her with the blessings of a bat. She would see all that is in the dark about the kingdom. She would soar like a bat and be invincible to her enemies. The priestess helped her up and took Lily's right hand up. "Your new leader, commander Lily!" The priestess announced at the same time hitting her staff on the ground. The Kayaans cheered for their new leader and carried her on their shoulders celebrating Commander Lily. This was a new Dawn for the Kayaans kingdom.
  • ****
  • There was something about the Werewolf kingdom being at the center of the earth the Vampire king envied. Maybe it was because it was easy to dominate other kingdoms and be in control but the ancient kingdom was at the far end of the earth, away from any form of light. The Vampire kingdom was built in one of the thickest forests having tall trees giving shade during the day.
  • King Eric couldn't have been more proud to have a son. His only delight hearing about the birth of his heir thousands of years ago was that his blood was going to take over the kingdom. It didn't take long before the young prince was put into training. Day after day, the young prince woke with a sword and slept with a dagger. The only time he had to himself was when he was to retire to bed and even those moments he spent them conceiving new tactics to defeat his opponent.
  • Prince Nicholas put in a lot of work, training tirelessly. At first, it was to prove he was a worthy leader but now nothing beats the burning desire to make his aged father proud. For every strike he made with his sword, was a determined young vampire hoping to hear encouraging words from his father but his ears had heard the word "useless" more than the number of years he had spent in the world.
  • Maybe he wasn't my father, the prince thought. It was impossible to treat your own blood the way King Eric treated his son, Nicholas. Prince Nicholas had thought of ways to disappear from the kingdom but he knew better than to do that.
  • The King had also thought of killing his son. Whoever wanted a disgraceful son? The only reason Nicholas was still breathing was because they shared the same bond. Maybe he wasn't his son, the King once thought but the semblance was striking.They both had shining black hair, one which blended with the night. Their snort was the same, loud and revealing the dimple on their left cheek. Everyone also loved the green orbs prince Nicholas inherited from his father. The only difference one could tell they had was that the prince was taller than his father.
  • "Your majesty, there are intruders in the kingdom." Gaston, the prince's guard, informed. In no time, Gaston and the prince were at the scene. The Intruders were in the palace, their filthy eyes roaming the massive palace for priceless artifacts to steal. Gaston and the other guards were about to attack them but the prince raised a hand signaling for them to stand back. Prince Nicholas wanted to do this on his own. He needed to do this all on his own. He had to take every opportunity he had to make his father proud of him. "Tell everyone to stand down." "Your majesty-"
  • Prince Nicholas ordered, "Gaston, tell them all to stand down." Gaston ordered the other guards to stand down leaving the young prince to take on both intruders on his own. Taking stealth strides, Prince Nicholas moved slowly towards the intruder. The intruder looked around trying to ensure no one was around. He moved to the gold artifact and just as he was about to pick it up, the prince sprang on him but the other pushed him off. The vampire thief the prince sprang on and fled while he had left to battle the other intruder.
  • Prince Nicholas threw a punch at the intruder; the tall vampire shot a punch at the prince in return causing Nicholas to fall. Quickly, the thief took the gold artifact and made it to escape but the prince was quick to get a hold of his leg. The prince struggled to pin him underneath and threw him a punch at the thief when he had successfully pinned him down... From his pocket, the vampire thief pulled out a pocket knife. A loud shout went past the prince's lips as a sharp metal went through his lower stomach. The thief pushed him off ready to get a hold of the artifact.
  • Gaston couldn't watch the prince get beaten, he ordered the guards to save the prince. The guards hurried to get the thief but he was long gone out of the kingdom. Grunting in, prince Nicholas moved into the woods in search of the thief. He needed to find him. The thief and the artifact. The prince finally got a glimpse of shining metal. Clutching his belly, he walked behind a tree, thinking of ways to defeat and retrieve the priceless artifact. "Prince Nicholas!" Gaston cried out. This was all the thief needed to hear before he fled out.
  • "Shit!" Prince Nicholas cussed, groaning. "I was ordered to stand down!"
  • "I'm sorry, your majesty but you were..." Gaston trailed off, pointing at his wound. The prince was more than annoyed. He had to explain not just how an intruder got into the palace but how one of the priceless artifacts of the Vampire kingdom got stolen. He was sure his father wouldn't forgive him now and maybe his hatred for him would increase. "Your father asks to see you." A guard joined them.
  • Heaving a discombobulated sigh, the prince knew whatever the king had to see him about had to be no good. The old man was a handful. They all converged to the palace, they knew better than to keep the king waiting. The old man was pacing, his face alighted color when they arrived at the palace
  • "You're useless!" The king said to his son. Prince Nicholas had heard that more than a dozen times but it still hurt deep down. No matter how hard he tried to hide it, he wanted to make his father proud. The prince wanted his father to see past the ill words he always said to him. The king halted in his tracks. The old man was more than disappointed to have a weakling for son. It felt like every training his son had undergone was useless. "You had just one job." He yelled not caring about his injured son. "Just take care of the palace while I'm gone and you're useless at it."
  • Prince Nicholas leaned on a pillar, he was saving the rest of his strength to get better. He wasn't ready to listen to his father rant on and on about how disappointed he was. It was a routine now. He wasn't surprised his father was speaking this way, at least this time, he deserved it. "Sometimes, I wonder how I'm going to leave this kingdom to you." The wrinkled fingers of the old man motioned around the palace. The eyes of the prince did a three-sixty in their sockets. He had heard that line over and over again and he was sure this wasn't going to be the last time he would be hearing it.
  • Finally, the king said before leaving, "We'll be going on a journey. Get prepared."