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Chapter 4 Four

  • ***LARISSA***
  • 6 years ago.
  • I ran out of the house, looking back one last time before shifting into my wolf form and running off into the trees. I ran as fast as I could, the moonlight illuminating the forest part.
  • I couldn't remain in this place for the rest of my life, I had nothing to do here and I couldn't continue to suffer this humiliation.
  • I trusted Logan and endured so much pain because of him, only to be betrayed. I shouldn't have genuinely believed he would leave his real mate for me.
  • I looked up as I approached the park border and with one leap, I crossed outside the pack's territory.
  • I continued running not knowing not where I was going. I just wanted to go as far as I could away from here.
  • If I could find another pack to take me in, maybe I would be able to live freely without being seen as the daughter of a traitor.
  • As I ran with new hope of what my life would become, a wolf ran into me and knocked me off my feet. I crashed into a tree and the force forced me to change back into my human form. I groaned in pain, sitting up against the tree. I looked up, raising my arm to cover my face so I could protect my eyes from the torches being pointed in my face.
  • I looked at the four armed men standing before me while I sat here vulnerable.
  • I could smell their wolf scent, they were all Rogues and I knew what that meant. They were going to kill me as they did to every other wolf they came across.
  • "What do we have here?" One of them asked and laughed, the others bursting into laughter after him.
  • I felt tears sting the corners of my eyes as I waited for them to kill me. If this is how I died, at least, I died free from all the humiliation and disgrace.
  • "How do we kill her?" One of them asked, facing the one standing directly before me. He seemed to be their leader.
  • "Shoot her and let's move on," he said and I watched as they all pointed their guns at me, my heart pounding rapidly in my chest.
  • "Stop!" I suddenly shouted as I realized I didn't want to die. Not yet. If I died, that means I lost and I didn't get the chance to thrive without Logan.
  • "Please don't kill me, I'm running from my pack. I don't want to die," I said in a pleading voice.
  • "You can take me as your slave or anything, but please don't kill me," I begged them.
  • The leader held up his hand and they all lowered their guns.
  • "Now why did you run from your pack?" He asked, bending them to my eye level with a wicked smile on his face. I gulped, having nowhere else to look at but his slightly disfigured face. He had gruesome scars and part of his face looked like it had burnt off.
  • "I......I....." I stammered, not knowing what to tell him.
  • "I-"
  • "Give her a shirt, she's gonna have some use," he said, standing up with his back against me.
  • He began to walk away and one of them threw me a shirt. As I put it on, I tried not to think about what my life would become now.
  • ***
  • Presently.
  • I drove into the garage and pulled up. I retrieved my keys from the engine and climbed out of the car. As I walked into the house, my children ran at me excitedly and hugged me.
  • "Hiii, how was school?" I asked with a smile and went to drop my bag on the couch.
  • "It was fine, Daniel got into a fight," Dave said and I frowned.
  • "Hey!" Daniel yelled at Dave for ratting him out.
  • "What did I tell you about getting into a fight?" I said and Daniel's expression immediately changed into that of remorse.
  • "I'm sorry, I just wanted to help someone who was being bullied," he said and I nodded, placing my hand on his shoulder.
  • "Okay, next time report to a teacher instead, okay?" I mumbled and he nodded.
  • "Honey, you're back" I looked back to see Jack walk out of the kitchen with a dish in his hand. He dropped it on the table and took off his apron.
  • He hadn't changed out of the clothes he wore to work.
  • "I made spaghetti and meatballs," he said and I moved aside as Dave and his siblings rushed to the dining table.
  • "Careful or you'll fall," Jack said and smiled before walking over to me and kissing me on the lips.
  • "I was gonna order something for us to eat, you haven't even changed out of your clothes," I complained, frowning, and he dismissed it with a smile.
  • "Don't worry, Diana wanted it and I also thought it'd be nice for you to relax when you get back," he said and I smiled.
  • "So how was work, I saw you had a lot of patients today," he said and went to sit down at the dining table.
  • "It was stressful, but I'll be fine. I just have to rest," I replied.
  • "Let me change out of this dress and I'll come to join you," I said and he nodded before I climbed up the stairs and went to my room.
  • I changed out of my clothes into a light gown and loosened my hair, allowing it to flow over my shoulders. I looked in the mirror and thought about the letter I received today. Hopefully, the letter I sent him telling him I didn't want anything to do with him ever again would stop him from trying.
  • "Babe?" I heard Jack's voice calling me and I walked out of my room. As I got to the stairs, I watched my children and Jack laugh together as they ate.
  • Everything was finally working well for me and I had the chance at a normal happy life. I've struggled so hard to bury my past behind me and I didn't want Logan to ruin everything for his selfish needs.
  • I won't let him ruin my life again. Never.