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Chapter8 Let’S Be Friends!

  • The next day at university.
  • Today I decided to wear an oversized hoodie that's covering more than half of my face to save my ass.
  • I know what I did yesterday was a little bit exaggerated. I mean Daniel and his friends were so good to me these past days, even helping me get over my sadness unknowingly, and in return, I insulted the main member of their group that they respected so much, practically insulting them.
  • Entering the University gate, the first thing that I noticed was them standing in the parking lot beside a red Bugatti.
  • Pulling my hoodie down a bit so that my face is covered properly, I dashed towards the entrance of the university with my eyes constantly on the group to make a sharp escape. However, my oh-so genius plan as always didn't work and before I could even take 10 steps, my hoodie was pulled back by someone.
  • "Geez! Look at you, Victoria. What are you doing being so secretive and all that?" Chris asked before dragging me towards the group while still holding onto my hoodie.
  • 'Well, you can let go of me now, you know?' I wanted to scream at him.
  • Though I was more than 5'10" in front of him, I still looked short, and with him holding onto my hoodie like that, it appeared like an elder scolding a child while dragging him.
  • "Look what we have here," Chris announced to get everyone's attention.
  • And soon, I was able to achieve everyone's attention. I was feeling so happy. Not.
  • Snapping at Chris's hands, I loosened my hoodie from his grip before standing straight.
  • I should say sorry anyway. I indeed made a mistake yesterday.
  • "Look, guys, about yesterday-" Before I could complete my sentence I smelled an intoxicating scent coming from behind me, and my mind started screaming at me to turn behind immediately, which I did.
  • "Hey, um, Victoria. Can we talk? Alone?" Alexander said awkwardly scratching his head before giving me a boyish smile.
  • And let me be honest, my heart instantly melted then and there.
  • "Ooohhhhhh." Everyone started teasing him at his awkwardness.
  • "Sure," I said, placing my hands in my pockets before walking out of the parking lot once I made sure Alexander was following me.
  • Once we were at enough distance( according to Alexander), which was at the backside of the University near the forest, I turned to him with my eyebrows raised.
  • "So?" I asked, not knowing how to start the conversation.
  • Well, this was awkward. He indeed was a bit rude to me, but I think I yelled at him 10 folds of what he said to me, calling him a psychopath.
  • "Umm, I don't know what to say. I just want to apologize to you about yesterday night, at the party, I mean. I know we didn't start well, but I am just hoping that you can forget all of that. Maybe we can start afresh?" He said coming close to me while holding my hands.
  • That intoxicating scent that had me attracted, wafted through my nostrils, immediately making me hazy. I looked at our joined hands, and couldn't help but like the feeling of his hands intertwined with mine.
  • Inching closer to him, I was about to smell him when I heard the sound of a twig breaking, and all my senses came back to me hitting me like a cold wind.
  • Widening my eyes at this new sensation and our proximity, I pulled away from my hands before making some distance between us. I don't know what it was, but touching him always makes me want more.
  • And what is with this smell that keeps attracting me?
  • "I wanted to say sorry too. I mean you were indeed rude to me, no doubt, but what I said was also unforgivable. I mean, I called you a psychopath, that you should see a doctor, that something-"
  • "Okay. You can stop. We don't want to remember those things again now, do we?" He laughed awkwardly.
  • "Yeah, you are probably right." I laughed along when I realized I was about to insult him again by repeating those words.
  • "So, friends?" He asked, extending his hand with that handsome smile on his face.
  • "Friends,” I assured myself, smiling back at him while controlling my mind to not waiver when I felt those pleasurable shocks again.
  • "Let's go, I don't want to miss my lecture,” I said before pulling away from my hand and rushing towards the front.
  • "Hey, be careful!" I heard him speak, but before I could react, my foot got entangled in an uplifted root of the tree, and guys, this is how you make a fool out of yourself. I thought before placing my hands in front of my face to block the impact on my face, but that impact never came.
  • I opened my eyes when I felt myself being lifted in the air and the warmth of being close to someone.
  • I looked at Alexander in shock, my mind going blank with my body planted close to his. I know it wasn't right, but at that time my mind was screaming at me to inhale into his shirt, and that's exactly what I did.
  • I know I was turning into a true creep.
  • "What are you doing?" He asked, confused, looking like a cute puppy.
  • "Will you believe me, if I say that I was relieved you held me at the right moment, and that's why I placed my head in your chest in relief?" I asked.
  • "I would," He replied.
  • "Well, that's exactly what happened,'' I said, clicking my tongue, too embarrassed to even look in his eyes.
  • Removing his hands from around me, I stood straight before thanking him and started running again, this time more careful with my mind under control and my eyes on the path ahead.
  • I could vaguely hear his laughter ringing in my ears as I made the narrow escape.
  • _____
  • "So Alexander just apologized to you? And nothing else?" Daniel asked once the lecture ended, and he got the chance to sit beside me.
  • "I have been saying the same thing for the last 5 minutes, I guess," I said looking at my book.
  • "Yeah, but my mind doesn't want to believe it?" He said pensively.
  • "What is so hard to believe? He made a mistake, he said sorry. I made a mistake, I said sorry, and then we both forgave each other and became friends. Were you expecting a catfight? You do understand that if that would've happened, then you wouldn't be sitting here, more like outside the I.C.U with me inside the ward right?" I asked, closing my book.
  • "Well, that. But it's just strange because Alex never says sorry to anyone." Daniel said before going out of the seminar room, leaving me in a confused state.
  • 'What does he mean he never says sorry? And if that's right, then why did he make an exception with me when it was me, who insulted him more?' I thought, packing my bag mindlessly.
  • 'Maybe it's because I am new in the town.' I reasoned with myself before making my way towards the canteen.
  • Reaching the canteen, the first thing I noticed was the grand presence of Alexander at our usual table. And I say great because he was surrounded by so many girls because of his looks that it wasn't hard to know who was in the middle.
  • Minding my own business, I went straight towards the lady and ordered my things before taking the tray outside in the garden beside the canteen.
  • Sitting under the tree, I plunged into my earphones and started eating my pasta peacefully while sipping my chocolate milkshake.
  • Once my favorite song started playing, I kept my pasta aside before sipping on my milkshake while moving my foot to the beats, waving my body slightly at the music.
  • "It looks like it is more enjoyable here than inside." I heard Alexander say as he sat beside me.
  • "Mmm, I like calm and serene places more," I said, shrugging my shoulders.
  • I was about to sip on my chocolate shake when he snatched the shake from my hand and started drinking from it.
  • "Hey! That's mine." I shouted.
  • "But I drank it." He casually shrugged his shoulders as if there was nothing wrong with it while tossing the glass inside the bin, making a perfect shot.
  • "Well, Mr., now we have bad blood. Take a look at what you've done, and it can't be solved just by talking. Buy me a new one." I said firmly.
  • "You serious? We are having bad blood just because of a milkshake now?" He asked in a perplexed tone.
  • "I love it more than anything, "I said, crossing my hands.
  • "Huh...okay. Wait for me here. I'll go and buy you one quickly." He said before running towards the canteen.
  • "Haha... messing with me. Now he has to buy me a new one. It was going to end anyway. Now I can drink more. Hehehe." I laughed evilly at my cunningness.