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Chapter 32 Finding Cassandra

  • My princess is missing. She is fucking missing. I do not know where the fuck she is. Why the fuck did I walk out the door and leave her alone like I did? My goddamn ego got the better of me, and I left her here. I hope she is not shit scared and alone in some godforsaken place.
  • There is a suffocating grip on my heart as a hundred possibilities race through my mind. Each possibility is even more terrifying than the other. I shall break down into pieces if anything terrible has to happen to her, but let's not jump to any conclusions yet. There could be a very good reason why I cannot find her. My biggest concern is that we have pissed a couple of people off the past few days; anyone that wanted to could have taken her.
  • And this has made me a nervous wreck; I am pacing the kitchen floor as I try to think where my princess can be. With every step that I take, it feels as if I am slowly sinking into the floor. I feel so helpless but even more frustrated that I do not know her well enough to know where else she could be. With every ticking second, I feel the agonizing pain grow inside of me.
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